Kemper Player - 1st [ Paid for ? ] Update coming very soon ?

RE: FC’s in the Fractalverse, I suppose the cost to value ratio ultimately comes down to your opinion of the flexibility they offer. With the AxeFx there was a massive before and after getting an FC12 for me, because of their ridiculously awesome programmability. It completely opens up the platform in new and cool ways.

I mean, I have a preset and FC layout pair that stacks 22 blocks of effects, which gives foot controllable access to 88 effects in a single preset. :ROFLMAO: It’s fucking legendary and the ultimate rainy day preset. The history of guitar effects on a single board.

FC12 is GOAT level shit.
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bold GIF
RE: FC’s in the Fractalverse, I suppose the cost to value ratio ultimately comes down to your opinion of flexibility they offer. With the AxeFx there was a massive before and after getting an FC12 for me, because of their ridiculously awesome programmability. It completely opens up the platform in new and cool ways.

I mean I have a preset and FC layout pair that stacks 22 blocks of effects, which gives foot controllable access to 88 effects in a single preset. :ROFLMAO: It’s fucking legendary and the ultimate rainy day preset. The history of guitar effects on a single board.

FC12 is GOAT level shit.
You should share it up with that FC layout :satan
Line 6 used to sell DLCs back in the POD days, and quickly learned that you can make more money providing value to your customers rather than nickel-and-diming them.
Kinda? Line 6 was selling model packs before I joined, and when developing Helix (3x the price of the previous flagship!), yes, it didn't quite feel right to continue down that path. But it was also a technical/scope decision—dealing with copy protection and managing model packs across multiple licenses and products (especially when someone might keep their Rack but sell their LT) would be more effort than it was worth. So let's say one half casual altruism and the other half laziness.
It is CRUCIAL to also point out, this player pedal doesn't and will NEVER perform any kind of profiling for you. So you're really losing the main reason to buy a Kemper in the first place. I know, I know... y'all think nobody profiles anyway (despite rig exchange numbers disproving that!) but I am serious - there is literally no reason to buy a Kemper if you don't want to profile amps.
Christoph once told us the percentage of KPA owners who actually make their own profiles. It'd be bad form to specify the number here, but it's likely far lower than many people think. Plus, everyone and their mom was asking for a Kemper "player," not a smaller profiler. Anyone thinking that capturing your own amps (vs. the ability to browse amps others have profiled, which is totally viable) as a major selling point for more than a small group of touring musicians, techs, and basement aficionados—or those who endlessly suffer from FOMO—is out of the loop.

Plus, if metrics are to be believed, we've pretty much hit peak capture at this point. Anything could happen, and tech trends ebb and flow, but right now, the promise of "everyone can capture their room full of expensive tube amps!" has pretty much already happened. Now it's just marketing paid-for captures on YouTube, desperate SEO, and a metric ton of file management, for better or worse.
QC Nano will definitely add effects and it will probably be a lot cheaper than Kemper's add-ons.
Mabye. As it stands right now, their "preset spillover" is really just snapshot scene spillover, because the block order and model set is fixed. (It's trivial to instantly buffer swap out profile and IR files instantly; we support the latter per snapshot on Helix/HX.) Neural would have to come up with another spillover methodology for full model selection or block moving to be added, and the hardware UI and silk callouts don't really account for that anyway. Time will tell.
Christoph once told us the percentage of KPA owners who actually make their own profiles. It'd be bad form to specify the number here, but it's likely far lower than many people think. Plus, everyone and their mom was asking for a Kemper "player," not a smaller profiler. Anyone thinking that capturing your own amps (vs. the ability to browse amps others have profiled, which is totally viable) as a major selling point for more than a small group of touring musicians, techs, and basement aficionados—or those who endlessly suffer from FOMO—is out of the loop.
I'd guess around 10-15% of the userbase. But it is that 10-15% of the userbase that has sold a lot of Kempers over the years, in my estimation.

I think the clock more or less gets reset each time there is an advance in accuracy.

Once NAM is inside a proper hardware platform, and everyone has redone their captures and has refreshed their marketplaces, then we can talk about profiling having reached the end of its viability. But until then, the minority of semi-pro and pro users will continue to provide content for the n00bs of the world.

Also I expect the number of people asking for a player, versus the number of people who will actually buy one, is going to be drastically different.
I'd guess around 10-15% of the userbase. But it is that 10-15% of the userbase that has sold a lot of Kempers over the years, in my estimation.

I think the clock more or less gets reset each time there is an advance in accuracy.

Once NAM is inside a proper hardware platform, and everyone has redone their captures and has refreshed their marketplaces, then we can talk about profiling having reached the end of its viability. But until then, the minority of semi-pro and pro users will continue to provide content for the n00bs of the world.
Oh, I'm not suggesting the end of profiling/capturing's viability. I imagine the ability to browse for and load profiles/captures will be around for many years. But the need for small, portable, affordable hardware units to actually perform the profiling/capture process is overblown, IMO, especially when price is the deciding factor, where any cheap laptop and halfway decent audio interface can bust out captures all day.

I mean, look at synths. At one time, most keyboard workstations had very powerful and complex methods of building multisampled instruments, with key ranges, velocity layers, crossfades, single-sample-level editing, and I believe one may have even supported red robin-ing? Now the samplers in pretty much all synths that have them (except for maybe the Akai MPC Key?) focus on one-shot hits, loops, and sound effects. People just want to load tons of multisamples; they don't want the hassle of actually making them.

TL;DR: The fact that the Kemper Player can't profile on its own is a non-issue for all but a tiny, tiny portion of people who like to wax poetic on the internet.
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I'm saying that manufacturers need to pay attention to the used market when pricing their new stuff, especially when the existing line-up (of which this product is an extension of) has been around for a decade.

It's as simple as this: "How much is it? $1000? But it has less features than your other product does, that I can get used for the same price." New sale lost.

If the new product isn't a good value in relation to what's already available on the used market, people aren't going to bite. This literally happens all the time.


I can also tell you for a fact that some manufacturers pay attention to the used market, in relation to pricing new products. Example would be Mesa Boogie, who A. made their 5 year warranties non-transferable (hence adding value to new purchases), and B. lowering the prices of a ton of their amps.

Absolutely. I remember guys at Fender saying their biggest competitor was themselves via the used market
Kinda? Line 6 was selling model packs before I joined, and when developing Helix (3x the price of the previous flagship!), yes, it didn't quite feel right to continue down that path. But it was also a technical/scope decision—dealing with copy protection and managing model packs across multiple licenses and products (especially when someone might keep their Rack but sell their LT) would be more effort than it was worth. So let's say one half casual altruism and the other half laziness.

Christoph once told us the percentage of KPA owners who actually make their own profiles. It'd be bad form to specify the number here, but it's likely far lower than many people think. Plus, everyone and their mom was asking for a Kemper "player," not a smaller profiler. Anyone thinking that capturing your own amps (vs. the ability to browse amps others have profiled, which is totally viable) as a major selling point for more than a small group of touring musicians, techs, and basement aficionados—or those who endlessly suffer from FOMO—is out of the loop.

Plus, if metrics are to be believed, we've pretty much hit peak capture at this point. Anything could happen, and tech trends ebb and flow, but right now, the promise of "everyone can capture their room full of expensive tube amps!" has pretty much already happened. Now it's just marketing paid-for captures on YouTube, desperate SEO, and a metric ton of file management, for better or worse.

Mabye. As it stands right now, their "preset spillover" is really just snapshot scene spillover, because the block order and model set is fixed. (It's trivial to instantly buffer swap out profile and IR files instantly; we support the latter per snapshot on Helix/HX.) Neural would have to come up with another spillover methodology for full model selection or block moving to be added, and the hardware UI and silk callouts don't really account for that anyway. Time will tell.
I see them most likely just adding additional choices maybe through the app

So mod has chorus and flanger
Delay had Analog and Dual
Reverb. Mind hall and plate

Or something like that , I think the path and fx catagories will remain the same they may change the types but the blocks will remain
I’m outside the Kemper-verse, so I haven’t bought a player and don’t feel swindled which will certainly impact my opinion, but here it is…

If they released a small, pedalboard friendly device with all that power and capability for $1200, I think the market would see that as a cool product and a fair enough price for what it is.

If you want all that stuff, you can buy it. If you just want the profiles, you can buy that by itself. Seems kinda like the H9 vs H9 max model to me.

The other thing is, now that Kemper has figured this out... if they ever create a Kemper 2 it has the possibly to has this kind of $hit built in.

RE: FC’s in the Fractalverse, I suppose the cost to value ratio ultimately comes down to your opinion of the flexibility they offer. With the AxeFx there was a massive before and after getting an FC12 for me, because of their ridiculously awesome programmability. It completely opens up the platform in new and cool ways.

I mean, I have a preset and FC layout pair that stacks 22 blocks of effects, which gives foot controllable access to 88 effects in a single preset. :ROFLMAO: It’s fucking legendary and the ultimate rainy day preset. The history of guitar effects on a single board.

FC12 is GOAT level shit.

Comparatively, it was getting the FM9 in my hands and realizing how in-depth the switching was that got me out of my 5-6 year band/playing live hiatus as a result of the “Holy shit, I’m only as limited as I allow myself to be” aspect.
I see them most likely just adding additional choices maybe through the app

So mod has chorus and flanger
Delay had Analog and Dual
Reverb. Mind hall and plate

Or something like that , I think the path and fx catagories will remain the same they may change the types but the blocks will remain
Perhaps, but the whole reason they have only one type of pitch, mod, delay, and reverb is presumably to support gapless preset snapshot scene switching. As soon as you have to dump one effect type and load another (or reorder blocks), it's no longer gapless... again, unless they implement a completely different spillover methodology. As it stands, the reason NC has gapless switching—at least today—is because the effects (and their order) don't change.