Looks like they dropped tier II with 50,-…used to be 179, now 129 eu.
In short…they are lowering their prices, and put more stuff in tier 1.
I bought II and III on day one, I am 100% ok with the concept itself…this new development is complicated to my brain…tbh…not sure if I should be pissed.
QC (or retailers Idnk) also lowered their prices in EU (100,-)…that doesn’t rub me the wrong way…The consequense is equal…I would have paid less of i had waited..and the resale price has probably dropped.
I went for III…so that total package is 50,- less now…I guess I’m ok with that..price drops happen.
If you only did II, especially if you only did it for morphing/EQs…that feels less comfortable, a bigger % chunk of the difference to I is gone.
I think Kemper should give those of us who are Level II a free upgrade to Level III.
Then I should feel screwed

In my mind, if they do something (which wouldn’t surprise me), it’s either a rebate..or put some new functionality in lvl II not yet on the radar to rebalance the score.