Kemper Player - Kemper gives away Morphing for FREE

That’s kinda my biggest beef with it. It has obvious room for improvement but they refuse to do anything about it. Also, it still isn’t up to what I’d consider more than entry level modeler functionality and effects after all this time. I’d love if major changes were made to it.
Refusal??…Every modeler company has a strategic roadmap for their product..,and none of them please eveybodies requirement list.
Let’s hire a dev team…and then let them work on stuff our customers don’t want?

With my list..I’d buy a kpp again, no competition. If I was a touring player instead of the “club warrior that needs something small with a lot of switches”…I’d probably switch back to the toaster from the QC, just cause I like the time efx better.

Point being…there’s a group of users that actually like what Kemper offers…even when comparing 15 y old hardware to the current market.

You’re obviously not in that group, which is fine…but what you call “entry level” my “best for me”. (Without any financial limitations driving that, and pretty well informed about what’s available.)
The KPP is FAR from being entry-level ANYTHING
Poor word choice on my part. What I mean is that it’s bare minimum acceptable functionality for a top tier modeler in this day and age. It’s just getting effects that others have had for ages. In that sense, I mean entry level into the top tier.
…there’s a "group of users" that actually like what Kemper offers…even when comparing 15 y old hardware to the current market.

^ Just to add to this - all tech and feature arguments and debates aside - this "group of users" eclipses by several degrees, the groups of users that use Fractal or Helix or QC's in the studio or live / on tour - and for better or worse - and regardless of mine or anyone's else's opinions - that aint changing any time soon.

"If it aint broke ...... "
I pretty much only gig 100watt valve heads and 4x12's these days. I'm not interested in using digital modelling for gigs; well... maybe like a 5% interest, but not enough to risk it.
Isn’t that the opposite of risk? I thought digital units were meant to be more reliable for the road
Isn’t that the opposite of risk? I thought digital units were meant to be more reliable for the road
Yet most guys that buy for that reason never been on a tour.

And much more importantly...
Gear breaks...

That is a reality folks don't like, and what's worse is this manufacturers perpetuated myth of "bullet proof"

You name your bullet proof item and you show gear that has broken down on me.

My fave example for this Marshall fwiw, what did the boutiques builder tell us, idealized Marshall or the ones I really find's like a reliable Marshall.

Out of the metric boat load of 70s Marshalls (I'm using those because I had more of those then all boutique amps combine in like a 2:1 ratio) .... Ever crapped the bed. And that wasn't even on a gig and at that time was a 30 year old amp.

Now as for the boutique guys, and Digi boxes...they all spent more times in the shop or being send back to the manufacturer for repairs.

And that's not even counting shit like ribbon connectors jiggled loose, because "bullet proof" means one should be able to move gear more the as than across the living room cause the wife objects.