Kemper Player - Kemper gives away Morphing for FREE

That’s kinda my biggest beef with it. It has obvious room for improvement but they refuse to do anything about it. Also, it still isn’t up to what I’d consider more than entry level modeler functionality and effects after all this time. I’d love if major changes were made to it.
Refusal??…Every modeler company has a strategic roadmap for their product..,and none of them please eveybodies requirement list.
Let’s hire a dev team…and then let them work on stuff our customers don’t want?

With my list..I’d buy a kpp again, no competition. If I was a touring player instead of the “club warrior that needs something small with a lot of switches”…I’d probably switch back to the toaster from the QC, just cause I like the time efx better.

Point being…there’s a group of users that actually like what Kemper offers…even when comparing 15 y old hardware to the current market.

You’re obviously not in that group, which is fine…but what you call “entry level” my “best for me”. (Without any financial limitations driving that, and pretty well informed about what’s available.)
The KPP is FAR from being entry-level ANYTHING
Poor word choice on my part. What I mean is that it’s bare minimum acceptable functionality for a top tier modeler in this day and age. It’s just getting effects that others have had for ages. In that sense, I mean entry level into the top tier.
…there’s a "group of users" that actually like what Kemper offers…even when comparing 15 y old hardware to the current market.

^ Just to add to this - all tech and feature arguments and debates aside - this "group of users" eclipses by several degrees, the groups of users that use Fractal or Helix or QC's in the studio or live / on tour - and for better or worse - and regardless of mine or anyone's else's opinions - that aint changing any time soon.

"If it aint broke ...... "
I pretty much only gig 100watt valve heads and 4x12's these days. I'm not interested in using digital modelling for gigs; well... maybe like a 5% interest, but not enough to risk it.
Isn’t that the opposite of risk? I thought digital units were meant to be more reliable for the road
Isn’t that the opposite of risk? I thought digital units were meant to be more reliable for the road
Yet most guys that buy for that reason never been on a tour.

And much more importantly...
Gear breaks...

That is a reality folks don't like, and what's worse is this manufacturers perpetuated myth of "bullet proof"

You name your bullet proof item and you show gear that has broken down on me.

My fave example for this Marshall fwiw, what did the boutiques builder tell us, idealized Marshall or the ones I really find's like a reliable Marshall.

Out of the metric boat load of 70s Marshalls (I'm using those because I had more of those then all boutique amps combine in like a 2:1 ratio) .... Ever crapped the bed. And that wasn't even on a gig and at that time was a 30 year old amp.

Now as for the boutique guys, and Digi boxes...they all spent more times in the shop or being send back to the manufacturer for repairs.

And that's not even counting shit like ribbon connectors jiggled loose, because "bullet proof" means one should be able to move gear more the as than across the living room cause the wife objects.
Poor word choice on my part. What I mean is that it’s bare minimum acceptable functionality for a top tier modeler in this day and age. It’s just getting effects that others have had for ages. In that sense, I mean entry level into the top tier.
Like what?

Quite the contrary: LiquidP, Speakerimprints, Inputsense, truecab, globalEQ x2, Global cabsim on/off, deep editing of captures…all stuff unique to Kemper to this day.
Like what?

Quite the contrary: LiquidP, Speakerimprints, Inputsense, truecab, globalEQ x2, Global cabsim on/off, deep editing of captures…all stuff unique to Kemper to this day.
I do like my Kemper stuff but I do believe Fractal has the the global eqx2 and global cabsim on/off, and I think the Tonex cab will do the imprint stuff.

But yeah, for entry level fx funnily enough I'm perfectly happy running my amp with the Kemper FX.
Yet most guys that buy for that reason never been on a tour.

And much more importantly...
Gear breaks...

That is a reality folks don't like, and what's worse is this manufacturers perpetuated myth of "bullet proof"

You name your bullet proof item and you show gear that has broken down on me.

My fave example for this Marshall fwiw, what did the boutiques builder tell us, idealized Marshall or the ones I really find's like a reliable Marshall.

Out of the metric boat load of 70s Marshalls (I'm using those because I had more of those then all boutique amps combine in like a 2:1 ratio) .... Ever crapped the bed. And that wasn't even on a gig and at that time was a 30 year old amp.

Now as for the boutique guys, and Digi boxes...they all spent more times in the shop or being send back to the manufacturer for repairs.

And that's not even counting shit like ribbon connectors jiggled loose, because "bullet proof" means one should be able to move gear more the as than across the living room cause the wife objects.
Yeah I believe it. I had a tsl100 which has a laundry list of issues in general, and somehow it lived through 10 years of abuse in and out of the car twice a week plus more.

I guess having a backup in any scenario is the way to go.
Isn’t that the opposite of risk? I thought digital units were meant to be more reliable for the road
I just mean the risk of worse sound. Not talking about reliability at all. But I've rarely had problems with my valve amps. I have been on tours, but not extremely long ones. Longest was 9 days around the UK.

I've never had a valve amp fail on me for a gig or tour. But I have had them fail on me for the occasional practice.

I did stupidly switch out some preamp tubes once, and went to a gig. Everything was mostly fine, but clearly one of the tubes was microphonic because I got a fair amount of feedback when I wasn't playing. I managed to still do the show though.

I was actually pondering this yesterday, because I was playing through my Orange Rockerverb MKIII and I realised, I've never changed the tubes in it since getting it. I bought it in 2016 so that's almost 10 years. It still sounds amazing.

Probably the amp that gave me the most hassle was the Fryette Sig:X. But it did sound really good.
I do like my Kemper stuff but I do believe Fractal has the the global eqx2 and global cabsim on/off, and I think the Tonex cab will do the imprint stuff.

But yeah, for entry level fx funnily enough I'm perfectly happy running my amp with the Kemper FX.
Does fractal do “keep cabs on the main but defeat on the monitor output” with one click for all presets?

You sure about tonex? With the release of their cab it’s likely that they head that way, but afaik, till now they only use “regular” IRs?

Anyway…whether kemper is feature rich really depends on the perspective and your personal requirement list.
The functionality I mentioned is afaik, unique as present as a set in one unit.
Obviously, when you look at it from a perspective of touchscreens/routing/dualaml/scenes…Kemper doesn’t role out on top.

You use the player right? To me the time efx are as good as it gets. I wouldn’t mind porting those to the QC ;)
Does fractal do “keep cabs on the main but defeat on the monitor output” with one click for all presets?

You sure about tonex? With the release of their cab it’s likely that they head that way, but afaik, till now they only use “regular” IRs?

Anyway…whether kemper is feature rich really depends on the perspective and your personal requirement list.
The functionality I mentioned is afaik, unique as present as a set in one unit.
Obviously, when you look at it from a perspective of touchscreens/routing/dualaml/scenes…Kemper doesn’t role out on top.

You use the player right? To me the time efx are as good as it gets. I wouldn’t mind porting those to the QC ;)
Im a big fan. And I really didn't like Kemper til I tried it again about 15 months ago (due to benifin) and still have not found anything that touches it for my various needs.

I was using the toaster and player, and just recently got the toaster back from being fixed from the fire.

I can't tell you if the others implemented it like Kemper, it's unlikely.
Fwiw, Kemper as a company is VERY German, and even though I have a German passport that is at times really bugging me.
I mean I stopped endorsement because the cpany approach bugged me.
But sadly the do things no one else does.or at least not yet.

Like the speaker imprints and Kone stuff
I'd never use a "FRFR" cab again after those
First off, I love my Kemper. I've used it for recording for years and recently switched to a stage for gigging. I think one of the reasons people say it's 'not as good' is the interface. it's black and white in a color display world and the physical interface is not the easiest. The stage is page after page to get anything done, But I think it sounds fantastic, and the fx are top notch, I don't care what anyone says. The delays and verbs are excellent and very flexible. Little things, like ducking, add so much. And, after a brief period of 'wtf!, I know my way around rig manager enough to make creating and editing performances and rigs very quick. In fact, I own a Fender TMP, and Rig Manager is far superior to Fender's computer based editor. The best thing Kemper could do is create a new, modern stage, with color display, touch screen, maybe scenes? Same OS, just up to date features.
I would not buy a future Kemper product unless it were at least as accurate as NAM.
It's funny that accuracy is the hill so many chose to die on.
And you've been quite vocal about how you feel about them as a company and product.

Me, I got my beef with some of the guys every one 'round here swears by.
And it's not even that the gear doesn't do what it's advertised as.
Just other stuff does it way better for me.

As for accuracy I got a bunch of killing nam profiles I don't use because the fun factor/vibe isn't there. Yet it's there with the Kemper, more so than on any other Digi devide. Only thing as much if not more fun factor are the UAFX pedals. But they lack in the convenience factor.

But none of it is an amp, so it's back to amp for fun factor.
That's why I got a Fryette GP/DI pre, is it an accurate Pitbull or Deliverance experience? No but it sure is more fun than any modeller/profiler.

And yes that in the Kemper loop or the MkV:25 is where its at for me.
the USB re-amp in the player is as close as I need. I'd be nice if the toaster was 4 channels like the player as opposed to 2.
absolute ball ache to have to reamp every track one by one when you can just drop a plugin on and be done. NAM and ToneX are so far ahead in that regard that I can't understand why someone would go through the hassle of reamping one by one on a Kemper. Tbh I'm not into built in USB reamping is all my studio I/O is based around other stuff and changing devices is a faff. With the Kemper I always just did it via SPDIF or the analog I/O.

If I'm at the point of ramping the old school way then I may as well just reamp through a real amp.
Im a big fan. And I really didn't like Kemper til I tried it again about 15 months ago (due to benifin) and still have not found anything that touches it for my various needs.

I was using the toaster and player, and just recently got the toaster back from being fixed from the fire.

I can't tell you if the others implemented it like Kemper, it's unlikely.
Fwiw, Kemper as a company is VERY German, and even though I have a German passport that is at times really bugging me.
I mean I stopped endorsement because the cpany approach bugged me.
But sadly the do things no one else does.or at least not yet.

Like the speaker imprints and Kone stuff
I'd never use a ""FRFR"" cab again after those
Yeah…I sold my Kone cause I thought I was leaving Kemper world , then the Player upgrades were released..kinda regret that now tbh. Main reason, they work pretty good for acoustic in fullrange mode…so one speaker that does both electric and acoustic is kinda handy.

Made myself a new “board” this morning…
for a jazz thingy I got this afterenoon. Standard battery pack with a “myvolts” converting to 9v, 1,- floorboard sample as a pedalboard;). Battery is mostly because I use the kpp mostly on the couch…but the fact I can power it with standard USB suppliers is kinda handy.
It's funny that accuracy is the hill so many chose to die on.
And you've been quite vocal about how you feel about them as a company and product.

Me, I got my beef with some of the guys every one 'round here swears by.
And it's not even that the gear doesn't do what it's advertised as.
Just other stuff does it way better for me.

As for accuracy I got a bunch of killing nam profiles I don't use because the fun factor/vibe isn't there. Yet it's there with the Kemper, more so than on any other Digi devide. Only thing as much if not more fun factor are the UAFX pedals. But they lack in the convenience factor.

But none of it is an amp, so it's back to amp for fun factor.
That's why I got a Fryette GP/DI pre, is it an accurate Pitbull or Deliverance experience? No but it sure is more fun than any modeller/profiler.

And yes that in the Kemper loop or the MkV:25 is where its at for me.
For me it really comes down to this:

- I've been balancing being in a band and maintaining a career in music tech for 18 years. Just killed that band off last year, but the principle is there.
- I'm only 40, which is young. My body still works relatively well.
- We were never the kind of band that was going to tour 300 days a year or anything like that. It was arty metal-tinged rock. We were much more of a play 20 gigs a year kind of thing. Although towards the end, that massively slumped to only 4 or 5 a year.
- Most of our shows were in local-ish places, around 200 capacity venues. We had the occasional 600-1000 cap places and festivals, but in the main it was pub/club gigs. That's just where this genre lives in the main.
- I'd say my preference is more towards writing and recording music. I do enjoy playing shows, but I'm not involved in music so that playing shows is the big goal or conclusion. I could join a covers band if that were the goal (ew!)

So with all of that in mind.... I've pretty much found my "setup" regardless of what gear I use. It is no more easier for me to setup a Kemper rig, or an Axe FX rig, or a Helix rig, than it is to just chuck a tuner, wah, DD-8, and RV-5 on a board, and plug that into the front of whatever high-gain amp I can get my hands on.

I absolutely love music tech. It is why I went into the business. But my personal needs are really a slither of what these various devices offer. I think I said in another thread, but I use about 15% of my Axe FX III about 30% of the time. The numbers there don't really matter, but the overall point matters.

Accuracy is less a hill to die on, but just a threshold to pass for a capture box to even really stand a chance at becoming a semi-permanent part of my setup. The reason I sold my Quad Cortex recently - even though I had a much nicer time with it this 2nd time around - was because as a consequence of it not really being good enough to work properly with a valve amp (too noisy), it just sat on the shelf gathering dust.

All said and done, I'm quite old school in my approach to guitar tone, and I absolutely don't mind it. There are other ways for me to get my modernist rocks off, but I love the fact that guitar is a fairly simple affect of smashing the front of a guitar amp and seeing how many cool variations on a wall of sound I can do.