Helix Talk

How did the old school thrash guys do before powerful EQs became a standard?
With this, somehow, it was enough. No decimal points.
Still curious to this day if the rumor I heard that Randy Rhoads would run an MXR 10-Band with all frequencies dimed into his Marshall heads. Wouldn't surprise me. Big fan of Randy and his playing but I thought his tone was complete shite.
Studio magic....

Hetfield used Aphex EQF-2 on everything from Puppets to Black on the albums and live.
Dimebag used Furman PQ-4 in the loop.
etc, etc..

So, do you really need these tones for live playing? Because otherwise, you could just go for that studio magic, too.
If you have to do  THIS much surgical tweaking to be happy; id probably be looking for new headphones :bag
LOL. This.

I didn't NEED to, I was perfectly happy prior and after.

I was simply experimenting - it did work well. But, to your point, there are definitely less cumbersome ways to achieve the same end result.