Helix 3.8 when?

There have been numerous updates to the amp engine over the years—some significant, others less so. We run some clever scripting in the background so the sound and feel of existing presets aren't affected. 2.80 was a big one. 3.10 and 3.50 were two more. Most other updates (including 3.70 and the upcoming 3.80) include additional tweaks and changes we don't necessarily call out.

The takeaway is that Helix is absolutely, positively not running on a 9-year-old engine.
Is it possible to use the Helix Core biologically? I would like my 43 yo body to be more in unison with my 22 yo brain.
Is it possible to use the Helix Core biologically? I would like my 43 yo body to be more in unison with my 22 yo brain.
What's the logic for not advertising it
You’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t. Tell everyone that you’ve updated the modeling and you’ll have people hearing things that don’t exist while others snicker about how it’s even more realer than real.

Why not just let folks decide for themselves whether it sounds good?
Because you'll sell more if everyone knows your device isn't running 10 years old software vs. everyone thinking it's running 10 years old software.
People will always hear or not hear something (better or worse). People are idiots, especially guitarists.
This is valid