Helix 3.2 when?

This update really was a game changer and is IMO the most significant since the release of the Helix.

Tones are significantly improved just using the new cab block. I think it's on par with the top aftermarket impulses now, but you have the better experience of having everything loaded from the factory, being able to change the position and distance, and all that.

Mics and cabs now sound like I would expect. You can actually get low end from a 57 when it's right on the grille! Or you can put the 57 off axis and nicely roll off the high end sizzle. You can mix a 57 and 121 on the same cab and properly hear the highs and lows filling out rather than the weird midrange mush that happened previously. Before, I could get usable tones with stock cabs, now I can get excellent tones with them. Just much better high end without needing a lot of cuts and much more low end presence.

Next big improvement is the DSP savings. I only have a Stomp XL and previously if you used a high quality IR or dual cab block, plus one of the new stereo reverbs, you didn't have a lot of DSP left to play with. Now, you can run dual cabs, one of the dynamic stereo reverbs, stereo delay, and more. I was even able to run dual amps with legacy reverb and some of the lower DSP effects.

Other nice thing is the knob ballistics. It's so much easier to adjust when there's a lot of granularity (like adjusting ms on the noise gate). No more turning the knob 20 times.

As for the new models, haven't used them much outside of the Dynamic Ambience, which is really nice. It's like the room reverb on the Strymon Iridium, kind of. Great with headphones. I'll be curious to see Ben Vesco's DSP tables with the new models to see the cost.

There's still some stuff that can be improved for sure:
  • The EVH style detune still sounds too chorusy to me and I'd love a separate detune effect that really nails the Eventide Micropitch.
  • Amps still have a little bit of an upper mid push to them which makes them not QUITE as satisfying as other modelers.
  • I'd really like a 65 Bassman model, something between the Deluxe and Twin.
  • I'd also really like to be able to change the order of the parameters on the Stomp, so that way I can quickly access my top three parameters when using capacitive touch.
I've been playing with the new cabs especially Dual cabs and I'm thoroughly blown away.
Blending two types of cabs/speakers and adjusting mics, position, distance, the option are almost infinite.
Great sounding dual cab blends are far too many to save as user default per cab, I started to save many blends to Favorites.

Compared to OwnHammer and York IRs, the new L6 cabs are legit and sound like actual cabs.
I even managed to replicate one of my favorite Mesa OH IR with the new cabs by blending Mandarin 30+Cali v30.

A wise man would not bet against it.

I hope there's more storage space left in all HX SKUs, the new Cabs make a huge difference and the more new cabs you add the more versatile Helix becomes.

Right now I think Helix needs more Greenback variations, like modern China & UK Greenbacks and some vintage ones, this will expand the tonal and historic palette a lot.
Just like we currently have five different sounding variations of Vintage 30, the mighty Greenback needs more than one.

I wonder if Line 6 can rent cabs just for shooting?
I imagine shooting cabs is faster than modeling amps and there's no need to keep it unless the cabs sounds exceptionally good.

BTW, I hope Sam chooses the best sounding speaker in the 4x12 cab, one always sounds better than the rest.
For example, the Brit v30 speaker was definitely NOT the best sounding one in the cab. :LOL:
Question : Ownhammer released stereo IRs https://www.ownhammer.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=449
Wave audio format IR's (.wav) are compatible with convolution reverb type loaders in recording software and outboard hardware units and are provided in 24 bit resolution / 44.1, 48, 88.2, and 96 kHz sample rates / minimum phase transformed /208 millisecond Mono and 500 millisecond TrueStereo™.

Can we load 500 millisecond TrueStereo™ Ownhammer ? If "yes" : How ? And what will be the best format to load in Helix ?
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If I recall correctly, this is the second ballistics tweak - right?

They were already lots faster/easier after the last one, definitely looking forward to have them ready even better with 3.5. :)

So much nice! <3
They were already lots faster/easier after the last one, definitely looking forward to have them ready even better with 3.5. :)
They are completely different now, i.e. finally fixed! They did try something with them in 3.15 but it was just as bad.
Now they are perfect, turn the knob (oh knobs, we love you :love ) and the value actually changes as if you're turning a real potentiometer on a real physical unit.
They even work perfectly on effects that have ridiculous range, like time in delays. Turn them slowly and value adjusts to the third decimal point. Turn them at normal speed and the value changes normally.
This is it for encoders L6, don't change anything about them!
Question : Ownhammer released stereo IRs https://www.ownhammer.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=449
Wave audio format IR's (.wav) are compatible with convolution reverb type loaders in recording software and outboard hardware units and are provided in 24 bit resolution / 44.1, 48, 88.2, and 96 kHz sample rates / minimum phase transformed /208 millisecond Mono and 500 millisecond TrueStereo™.

Can we load 500 millisecond TrueStereo™ Ownhammer ? If "yes" : How ? And what will be the best format to load in Helix ?
I haven't bought any of OwnHammer's stereo IRs--are they supplied as just a single stereo wav file? If so, you'll have to split them apart into their two channels (L & R) on your computer first. (Unless Line 6 added stereo wav IR support with this update and I'm just speaking out of my butt. Wouldn't be the first time.) It's definitely possible to use them, regardless.
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Stomp seems to be a little louder now if I compare to an old preset with legacy cab vs same preset with new cab (A+C block, single cab). It’s definitely noticeable.
Didn’t bother to measure my stomp level in Logic. But yeah. It’s a little louder now. No problem for me though.

And again. New cabs sound freaking great. No more IRs for me. Cleaned out my IR folder and put them on a backup drive in a drawer. But I won’t go back to IRs after this. Finally I can stay 100% in the Stomp with its content. That’s where I want to be. Simple, effective, plug and play. No messing around buying 3rd party stuff and comparing this and that.

Update done and played around a bit this morning before work. Here some impressions.

1. once again thank you for the Disable Snapshot Control over Parameter Assignments feature. Is exactly what I was waiting for and can't explain how useful it is for me.
2. Encoders ballistics. Hell yeah! now we're talking.
3. New cabs: Very promising. Not sure yet but for most applications seems like we can use the new stock cabs instead of IRs. Will take some time to build a nice list of favourite cabs. They still have the "signature" helix cab sound somehow but are a big step foreword for sure. I like them so far.

4. New pedals: Pillars/Plumes OD. Never used the EQD one but this one sound really good and might find space in my presets. Flexovibe is nice too, I've already put it into one of my presets for a change.

I still have to check the new reverb and the amps.

Forgot to say that the DSP savings are very clear and, of course, welcome!
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Sure was worth the wait Congratulations to Eric and Ben and all the hard working folks at Line6, and thank you very much, this is a real tone game changer
I don't personally find this update too exciting. I use one IR for pretty much everything, so the new cabs aren't all that exciting to me. Truthfully, I'm more interested in the engineering behind the scenes than the end result. That said, it's a big usability win for many, I'm sure, and the "they actually listened!" updates are always cool on that basis alone. Good job, L6.

DI said at the other place that "3.20 will make it fairly obvious what's to come in 3.30 and beyond." Any guesses as to what that means?