Well, a couple weeks have gone by and I'm still finding the 3.5 update pretty remarkable. Took an hour last night to just play for the fun of it (may have been an adult libation or two involved) and it was as close to glorious as it will ever get for me, haha. It was like i was a kid again in my parent's basement learning some of the mysteries for the first time. Out of the blue I dredged Entre Nous by Rush up out of the dusty wayback machine of half-learned stuff and for the first time in a long time I recaptured that feeling that got me hooked to start with--listening to myself while forgetting I was playing (if that makes sense). Side note: Permanent Waves was such a great record!
Relevant to this thread:
-One of the main reasons I got drawn into the modeling world was the lure of having a variety of inspiring tones readily available, and even after the honeymoon 3.50 is just a lot of fun. And I'm still only using the first preset I put together after the release, which was just a 3.50-izing of a preset I was using prior (just swapped the dual new cab version of the prior legacy cab, replaced the Liquifier with the 4-voice, and added the dynamic ambience at the end). Probably I should get a little crazy and make a new preset or two, eh?
-The 4-voice chorus is growing on me. Haven't put my finger on just what it is about it that I like--maybe it adds less color. Dunno.
-Still not entirely sure what to think of the Dynamic Ambience. I'm using it as the very last block with the Dynamic Plate upstream so it's really subtle and maybe somewhat beyond my threshold of discernment. But it's part of whatever's going on in that preset so I'm content to keep it there.
At the risk of sounding a little fanboy-ish, my thanks to the Helix gang for throwing an obscure old dude a little inspiration and enjoyment. Gives me something to do in between checking the forums for crumbs about the next update.