Fractal Talk

Can confirm, this is what I do 99% of the time when listening to music at home. The Axe-Fx III is my hifi at this point. (y)
Just plug in via USB and then choose Axe-Fx III as the output device in the top-right menu. It will show up in the list (as pictured) as an option.
No need to adjust any settings on the Axe itself. I just go to an empty preset when listening to music, but you can also play guitar at the same time by choosing any of your regular presets. It won't interfere with "outside" audio. I do this all the time when learning songs or just jamming.

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I finally got it to work today after much trial and error. 👍🏻
Man I'm still so blown away by this thing! (Axe III)

I was listening to some old Chicago, in particular Terry Kath, so I rolled back to the old Fender amp factory presets to mess around with 25 or 6 to 4, played with that old tone for a while, then started working my way back up, and landed on the Angle Severe one. And it just sounds SO GOOD.

Been running thru my Petrucci stuff on Sc 2, "Channel 2", w/o changing a thing! Best $2261 I ever spent!! I've now owned it 4 years, and it has been PLAYED A LOT, with not a single issue! (Other than me needing to get used to how a mic'd cab sounds, as opposed to a real amp sitting next to me. Which is NOT a dig on Fractal.)
The one thing I do wish they would make easier is making one footswitch control multiple actions such as toggling multiple blocks at once.

I know you can do it, but it should be faster/easier to accomplish
The one thing I do wish they would make easier is making one footswitch control multiple actions such as toggling multiple blocks at once.

I know you can do it, but it should be faster/easier to accomplish
I know there's other things one would want to do, but as far as toggling multiple blocks there's nothing easier than scenes.
I know there's other things one would want to do, but as far as toggling multiple blocks there's nothing easier than scenes.

The problem with that is that Scenes are global, so if all I wanted was one footswitch to turn on both a boost and a delay I now have to either make sure everything else is ignoring scenes or do scenes for everything else
The problem with that is that Scenes are global, so if all I wanted was one footswitch to turn on both a boost and a delay I now have to either make sure everything else is ignoring scenes or do scenes for everything else
Put those effects on a different channel in a new scene that turns both on/off together, and that shouldn't affect anything else.
Put those effects on a different channel in a new scene that turns both on/off together, and that shouldn't affect anything else.

Either that, or it’s real easy to set the same control switch to more than one modifier too.

I didn’t say you couldn’t do it. I know how to do it, I said I wish it was quicker/easier to do.

You know how in the Fractal footswitch menu it gives you the ability to set one action for the switch on press? On the TMP it gives you a list and you can choose 1-5 actions for each switch. It’s much simpler and faster for something quick like wanting one switch to toggle both a delay and a boost
I didn’t say you couldn’t do it. I know how to do it, I said I wish it was quicker/easier to do.

You know how in the Fractal footswitch menu it gives you the ability to set one action for the switch on press? On the TMP it gives you a list and you can choose 1-5 actions for each switch. It’s much simpler and faster for something quick like wanting one switch to toggle both a delay and a boost
I didn’t say that you said you couldn’t…….just trying to help……TMP for the win!…….
The one thing I do wish they would make easier is making one footswitch control multiple actions such as toggling multiple blocks at once.

I know you can do it, but it should be faster/easier to accomplish
Control switch groups
It’s not super difficult if you want the chorus and delay and verb to all come on simultaneously you just assign them to one of 6 control switches

Edit ** just saw your post
I never tried the TMP but yes that seems maybe easier
Thinking about it a little more, it would be nice if the footswitch assign worked the same way the Scene MIDI block assign works
Man I'm still so blown away by this thing! (Axe III)

I was listening to some old Chicago, in particular Terry Kath, so I rolled back to the old Fender amp factory presets to mess around with 25 or 6 to 4, played with that old tone for a while, then started working my way back up, and landed on the Angle Severe one. And it just sounds SO GOOD.

Been running thru my Petrucci stuff on Sc 2, "Channel 2", w/o changing a thing! Best $2261 I ever spent!! I've now owned it 4 years, and it has been PLAYED A LOT, with not a single issue! (Other than me needing to get used to how a mic'd cab sounds, as opposed to a real amp sitting next to me. Which is NOT a dig on Fractal.)

That's a trip. I've been stuck on the Engl Severe/Savage 2 model for a couple of weeks now. So fun to play. :rawk