Fractal Talk

I would check the meters page on the Axe-FX III to see where the difference in output is occurring (go to the preset layout and then page right to see the meters for each block).

You might also check the echo pan parameter in the delay block.
Everything is defaulted out. Would that make a difference?

So say what you want about QC and Helix, you don't have these weird kind of "I don't know what the fuuuuuuuuu- is going on" moments with those. Or at least a lot rarer.

I spent 20minutes or so trying to investigate this on the Axe3, gave up. Plugged in the Helix, selected a mono delay. Worked as expected.
So say what you want about QC and Helix, you don't have these weird kind of "I don't know what the fuuuuuuuuu- is going on" moments with those. Or at least a lot rarer.
I use my Axe FX I/O as individual mono sends and returns and it’s definitely weird how you have to manipulate different blocks to manage which signals are going to and back from them.

It works, and it’s flexible, but basically everything about it can be vastly improved from a user experience POV. On top of that, there’s also so much that could be added to it - for instance grouping blocks together and importing/exporting them in one go rather than one by one, colour coding/labelling the grid, splitting the grid and having different presets in each half.
This is odd.

Axe 3 Output 3 Left - Mark V input.
Axe 3 Output 3 Right - JVM input.
Mark V send - Axe 3 Input 4 Left.
JVM send - Axe 3 Input 4 Right.
Axe 3 Output 4 Left - Mark V return.
Axe 3 Output 4 Right - JVM return.

IE: Full stereo setup with two amps, and the Axe3 doing pre and post effects for both.

Now when I load up a mono delay, the JVM side (so the right) ... the WET signal is a lot louder than the left. I don't understand why.

When I load up a stereo delay, no problems. Get the expected level.


WET being louder indicates that multiple signals are being summed.

What are the Input 3/4 Mode and Output 3/4 Mode settings in Setup > I/O > Audio?
That would require a totally different architecture.
I’d love to be able to leave half of the Axe FX set up purely as a patchbay for some pedals, and be able to change presets on the other half.

Even combining parts of a preset into another one is a faff. All you can really do is build presets by using an existing preset as a starting point, which is a bit of a 2002 way of doing things, otherwise you’re importing block library presets one by one and coping the routing.
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Kinda doing a bit of that, I ended up with several drives spread across a couple different channels. Once I figure out exactly what I want I’ll do some editing/housekeeping, I just need to get out of the “I love this one for 3% of that but this other one for 4% of this” kind of thinking.
One of the strengths of the Fractal units (and other modelers tbf) is they give you the ability to do things you might not otherwise be able to do. Embrace the power.
I used the loops for the first time yesterday while trying to match a wah pedal. I had a helluva time figuring out how to get them working using global setup, two blocks, adjusting levels, checking pans and input selects, monitoring that page with all the level meters…. I did get it working, but it wasn’t fun.

I did get it done and I got that wah pedal matched.

And the EV-2 is stellar. I finally have an expression pedal that’s worth a damn.

This is odd.

Axe 3 Output 3 Left - Mark V input.
Axe 3 Output 3 Right - JVM input.
Mark V send - Axe 3 Input 4 Left.
JVM send - Axe 3 Input 4 Right.
Axe 3 Output 4 Left - Mark V return.
Axe 3 Output 4 Right - JVM return.

IE: Full stereo setup with two amps, and the Axe3 doing pre and post effects for both.

Now when I load up a mono delay, the JVM side (so the right) ... the WET signal is a lot louder than the left. I don't understand why.

When I load up a stereo delay, no problems. Get the expected level.

Well I can't repro this with just a delay in front of the amps. So I'm guessing this was something to do with the JVM effects loop. But right now, that's as far with debugging it as I've gotten. Can't really be arsed to think about it any further.
WET being louder indicates that multiple signals are being summed.

What are the Input 3/4 Mode and Output 3/4 Mode settings in Setup > I/O > Audio?
Everything is analog and stereo, with none of the copy input features activated.
Okay, I couldn't let it go.

So plugging into the JVM410HJS series effects loop, the first thing I notice is I get a level drop at the right side Input 4. Which is the send from the amp. So.... that seems dodgy.

With no effects in the post position on the Axe3, that same level difference follows through to the right side of output 4. So I know that I am getting a unity gain signal flowing through. It is just that the amp is sending a lower signal from the off. That's fine. This can be accounted for in other ways, and isn't the main issue.

The main issue is....

I put a delay effect into the pre position. I get the expected echoes, with correct levels - ie; the difference in levels remains, but once I turn up the JVM master volume, then all is okay.

But then I put a delay effect set to Mono Digital into the post position. The right side suddenly goes louder.

I switch to Stereo Digital. The right side level jump disappears.

This is weird. I think it is a firmware bug personally.
Right... how the hell can this even be???

I've got the Recto. Same issue.

I've got the FX return and send plugged in. But I've completely unplugged the front.

I've muted the output of the Mark V, so only the Recto+Egnater cab is live. I would expect to hear silence. I am hearing the dry signal and the echoes.

If I then set the Mark V to stand-by mode, the Recto/JVM/Egnater side, stops making noise at THAT point.

This means, that somehow... the FX send of the Mark V is bleeding over to the FX Return of the second amp - nothing to do with whether it is a Recto or JVM.

If I bypass the delay block completely on the Axe3, then the 2nd amp falls silent - as it should, because NOTHING is plugged into the front of it.

How... can.. this... even... be!?!

Surely this is a software bug? @FractalAudio sorry I know it is the holidays, but any thoughts???
Boogie fx loops are weird. I wouldn't wholly discount that being the culprit.
I genuinely don't think it is that. This is something the Axe3 is doing. It is taking the signal it is receiving from the Mark V, and sending it over to the 2nd amp - which is all connected to the RIGHT side, while the Mark V is connected only to the LEFT side (inputs and outputs)

Somewhere along the way, there is an internal signal routing issue going on here.
Again, just to clarify:

Guitar > Axe3 front input.
Axe3 Out 3 LEFT > Mark V front input.
Axe3 Out 3 RIGHT > Recto front input.
Mark V FX Send > Axe3 In 4 LEFT.
Recto FX Send > Axe3 In 4 RIGHT.
Axe3 Out 4 LEFT > Mark V FX Return.
Axe3 Out 4 RIGHT > Recto FX Return.

Axe3 preset:

Audio setup:

With the above patch... if I unplug the front of the Recto, I hear the preamp of the Mark V being sent through the delay and into the FX Return of the Recto. This only happens when the delay is set to Digital Mono; or in fact, any of the mono delays.

I also hear the preamp of the Recto bleeding over to the Mark V FX Return, albeit at a lower level.

This shouldn't be possible should it???? This doesn't happen if I select a stereo delay block.

Unless I'm massively misunderstanding something, this seems like a software bug to me. The reason I care is because whilst there are stereo delays, there aren't stereo equivalents for everything - Graphite Copy Delay and the DM-Two for instance.
Try using them just in fx loops with separate Axe inputs/outputs to see if the problem follows.
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