Fractal Talk

Thinking through it logically, a mono delay must be summing the inputs to that block... which is why I'm getting the opposite amps signal at each amp, on top of the actual amp signal it is supposed to be getting. This is a bummer. I think I get it now... probably not a bug, and is probably by design. Mono delays (any mono effect I guess???) will sum the L+R, and when you're doing this 7cm(??) kind of thing, this is a big problem.

It isn't an issue on Helix, because they have a stereo option for every single one of their reverbs and delays, iirc.
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Thinking through it logically, a mono delay must be summing the inputs to that block... which is why I'm getting the opposite amps signal at each amp, on top of the actual amp signal it is supposed to be getting. This is a bummer. I think I get it now... probably not a bug, and is probably by design. Mono delays (any mono effect I guess???) will sum the L+R, and when you're doing this 7cm(??) kind of thing, this is a big problem.

It isn't an issue on Helix, because they have a stereo option for every single one of their reverbs and delays, iirc.
That seems like a likely answer. Does a stereo delay in it's place work as it should I assume?
Right, yeah, I was being dumb. I get it now. Mono effects sum the inputs, so you hear L+R through both effects returns. It makes total sense. Not a bug, I was just being dumb.

However, this is one area where the Helix has a massive leg up on the Axe FX III, to be honest. Because.....

Wouldn't the solution be to use a stereo delay then?
There aren't stereo equivalents for all delays.... and Helix does have stereo equivalents for all delays.

That seems like a likely answer. Does a stereo delay in it's place work as it should I assume?
Yep it does!
However, this is one area where the Helix has a massive leg up on the Axe FX III, to be honest. Because.....

There aren't stereo equivalents for all delays.... and Helix does have stereo equivalents for all delays.
Gotcha......which mono delay were you using?
Holy shit!

... the ✨ VH4 ✨.

I get it now!

Starry Eyed Wow GIF by Créu Cat

JFC, I'm also playing with a loop because I want to use a compressor before a physical dirt pedal and just made a huge fucking mess in my newly cleaned studio changing out cables and getting pissed off that it wasn't working. Tried both In/Out 3 and 4, used my Loop blocks I had saved just for this purpose, kept getting silence. Go through all the internal settings in case I did something stupid at one point, nope....

After 75 minutes of fucking with shit, I realize the Out on the face of the AxeFX is turned down. :rofl
Thinking through it logically, a mono delay must be summing the inputs to that block... which is why I'm getting the opposite amps signal at each amp, on top of the actual amp signal it is supposed to be getting.

Always look at the block diagrams on the wiki when in doubt!

If you need stereo-preserving delay, you'll need to use two delay blocks. All the delays sum the inputs into the delay line as far as I remember (Delay, Mega, Multi and Ten Tap).
JFC, I'm also playing with a loop because I want to use a compressor before a physical dirt pedal and just made a huge fucking mess in my newly cleaned studio changing out cables and getting pissed off that it wasn't working. Tried both In/Out 3 and 4, used my Loop blocks I had saved just for this purpose, kept getting silence. Go through all the internal settings in case I did something stupid at one point, nope....

After 75 minutes of fucking with shit, I realize the Out on the face of the AxeFX is turned down. :rofl


Jennifer Coolidge GIF by Emmys


I made a ticket for my 1st FM3 years ago where I thought something was janky with the USB. I was getting no
sound, but was getting levels in the metering.

2 days of back and forth with Fractal CS, and I realized in a moment of epic insight that my Out 1 Knob--the
physical one---was all the way down.

Mono Digital.
Mono BBD.
Graphite Copy Delay.
DM-Two Delay.

I didn't do an exhaustive check across all of them.
If I'm not mistaken (and if this wasn't changed by some fw update) pedal-specific models like graphite and DM2 are just "presets" for the analog delay algorithm, so by using the stereo analog type and copying all advanced tone-sculpting parameters you should get the same result but in stereo, no need to use two separate blocks.

In the Axe FX 2 there was a selector that let you switch the base algorithm so you could make any delay type mono or stereo, but for some reason it was removed on the Axe FX 3.
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JFC, I'm also playing with a loop because I want to use a compressor before a physical dirt pedal and just made a huge fucking mess in my newly cleaned studio changing out cables and getting pissed off that it wasn't working. Tried both In/Out 3 and 4, used my Loop blocks I had saved just for this purpose, kept getting silence. Go through all the internal settings in case I did something stupid at one point, nope....

After 75 minutes of fucking with shit, I realize the Out on the face of the AxeFX is turned down. :rofl

I definitely did not make that same mistake trying to get mine working the other day…

I Should Go Reaction GIF by Bounce
Any effect types with "stereo" in the title support stereo inputs. Mono types can be setup to have wide stereo image using modulation (LFO phase non zero, phase reverse on or LFO3 setup to pan the delay) but will sum the inputs.

If I'm not mistaken (and if this wasn't changed by some fw update) pedal-specific models like graphite and DM2 are just "presets" for the analog delay algorithm, so by using the stereo analog type and copying all advanced tone-sculpting parameters you should get the same result but in stereo, no need to use two separate blocks.

This is correct. I've got stereo versions dialed into my blocks library for this reason, sounds great.
f I'm not mistaken (and if this wasn't changed by some fw update) pedal-specific models like graphite and DM2 are just "presets" for the analog delay algorithm, so by using the stereo analog type
I was not aware of that! That is about as intuitive as playing tic tac toe on your own ballbag. Harrumph.
Fractal has nerdy and geeky engineers who are also tone freaks which is great for us tone freaks. The other brands have software engineers loading algorithms.
Nah, this is Fractal talk. 🙂

I’m talking about the VH4 model (silver). I never really knew much about this amp until now. I love it!
Well yes there are so many amps in Fractal lol

"Fractal has nerdy and geeky engineers who are also tone freaks which is great for us tone freaks. The other brands have software engineers loading algorithms".
Any FX III uses try the Mostortion ? any thoughts, reviews ? I'm thinking Might be good for my next upcoming project

Any FX III uses try the Mostortion ? any thoughts, reviews ? I'm thinking Might be good for my next upcoming project


I mentioned it a few pages back. It’s one of the few missing things I’ve been hoping would be added and I’m really excited about it!

Stacking it with the Nobles like I posted about is my favorite go-to drive pedal combo