Fractal Talk

@Whizzinby lol

star trek borg GIF
dumb and dumber time GIF
Having spent a life near sea level, I think the elevation would mess me up. This has been my SHTF spot ever since I saw an episode on the place with Bourdain. Shit, in many ways it's the original New England south bay.


I’ll have to read that article later. It’s those Portuguese that taught me how to cook when I lived in Mass!

I think if I do a bail out for SHTF, I’d probably go with a spot with more land. The recent flood we had down here definitely put some things in perspective when it comes to how close to the coast I am and who’s gonna get fucked first when/if that water starts saying “Fuck this beach” :rofl
Has it really been 2.5 months since a axe fx 3 update? Time flies!

Not to feed the mantra on the FAS Forum but I am becoming curious what's next. Could be nothing but it has been quite the gap as far as fractal goes.

As others have said it could not get another update until the IV is launched and it would still be a fantastic bit of gear.

Yeah ... by purely Fractal standards it is a long time .... but by industry standards its a millisecond :)

If I had to guess I'd say a new "major epiphany" or new hardware unit (?)

Or maybe Fractal / Cliff have chosen to "bite the bullet" and move ahead and release their version of "Liquid Profiling" that they wanted to release before Kemper jumped out of the gate first (?)

Or maybe Fractal / Cliff have chosen to "bite the bullet" and move ahead and release their version of "Liquid Profiling" that they wanted to release before Kemper jumped out of the gate first (?)
Pretty sure you're referring to SpectrumTrack which has been in the Fractal for years already.
Pretty sure you're referring to SpectrumTrack which has been in the Fractal for years already.


About 2 or so months ago ...... Cliff posted here and on the Fractal Forum [ and even TGP I think (?) ] as soon as CK / Kemper released their Liquid Profiling technique, that it was a direct infringement on his copyright that involved the exact same process and technique ..... from memory his words were it was "exactly identical" or thereabouts ... to say he was not happy is an understatement.

Since then, he/Fractal have gone silent on this issue .... to my simple guessing mind, and solely on this issue of LP, that can only mean one of two things ...... (a) they have voluntarily or legally been forced to drop it or (b) they are finalizing their own "LP" method for release and will fight/defend their patent as best they see it.

Whether any of this has anything to do with the "relatively" long gap between FW updates for the Axe 3, I have absolutely zero idea.

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About 2 or so months ago ...... Cliff posted here and on the Fractal Forum [ and even TGP I think (?) ] as soon as CK / Kemper released their Liquid Profiling technique, that it was a direct infringement on his copyright that involved the exact same process and technique ..... from memory his words were it was "exactly identical" or thereabouts ... to say he was not happy is an understatement.

Since then, he/Fractal have gone silent on this issue .... to my simple guessing mind, and solely on this issue of LP, that can only mean one of two things ...... (a) they have voluntarily or legally been forced to drop it or (b) they are finalizing their own "LP" method for release and will fight/defend their patent as best they see it.

Whether any of this has anything to do with the "relatively" long gap between FW updates for the Axe 3, I have absolutely zero idea.

I thought Cliff was referring to a modeling technique which made volume rollback (for example) more accurate.

Who knows. We will just have to wait and see
I’d really love for Fractal to make their own cab. That’d probably be the only way I’d give an "FRFR" option a shot is if Cliff designed it specifically to function with Fractal gear.

That's pretty much what the Atomic CLR is but it's designed by Jay Mitchell who is far more experienced at speaker design than Cliff.

While it's designed to function with all modelers and other applications, use with the Axe FX was a significant consideration.

That's pretty much what the Atomic CLR is but it's designed by Jay Mitchell who is far more experienced at speaker design than Cliff.

While it's designed to function with all modelers and other applications, use with the Axe FX was a significant consideration.
The new flavor of "FRFR" is the EV PXM12 MP, plenty of buzz about it on the FAS forum


Thanks for the tip.

I have a pair of CLRs that I really like but they are the original ones, not Neo, and weigh 40 lbs. I thought about getting the Neo conversion at Atomic but didn't want to spend hundreds more just to lose some weight.

I can see having one of the EVs for playing out and leaving the CLRs pole mounte in my home studio. They're a bitch to get up and down off those poles so it would be nice to have a grab-and-go alternative.