Fractal Talk

To deny the obvious truth in order to protect someone's feelings.

What's the worst that could happen?? :idk
Brawndo GIF by Idiocracy
Speaking of participation trophies…
Where’s my banner 😂😂😂
Well, if you're supposed to get one, then you should have it.

But my self esteem has been damaged by everyone reminding me that I can't write songs, and I don't know how to record, so I need something too!

Well, if you're supposed to get one, then you should have it.

But my self esteem has been damaged by everyone reminding me that I can't write songs, and I don't know how to record, so I need something too!

Well I set the bar low for all to get over !
Speaking of which, Cliff hasn’t finished the Meta Quest Fractal editors yet. What the hell?! Why do I have to rejoin the regular world, just to edit my FM9?
He hasn't integrated ChatGPT 4 yet either, so you can't just tell your Fractal unit what tone you want and it knocks up a preset for you ... Come on @FractalAudio, pull your finger out - these presets won't program themselves! ;)
I dunno about ya’ll but when shit starts comin’ down I’m headed to the Andes. I’ll chill out at Machu Picchu until I rot.
Machu Picchu

Having spent a life near sea level, I think the elevation would mess me up. This has been my SHTF spot ever since I saw an episode on the place with Bourdain. Shit, in many ways it's the original New England south bay.


there seems to be an awful lot of basement-dwellers these days with yes, delusions, that they don't have to get out there in the real world and put in the work to either get an education or get a proper job and start their career, because they can follow in the footsteps of a few who have 'made it' with a You Tube channel.

And when you ask for advice on forums, these are some of the people who respond.

I also just realized this is the same dude who posted a thread asking how to properly mic "FRFR" speakers.
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