Fractal Talk

So, I’m going down the rabbit hole. Went to his website. The gallery features him. At a mall. In a food court.
It’s fascinating. Like, where’s his head at? Would things get even more interesting if he had an FM3/9?
These are my Hot Models --->


I think this goes deeper.

Maybe he's an extreme example, and I could be wrong, but there seems to be an awful lot of basement-dwellers these days with yes, delusions, that they don't have to get out there in the real world and put in the work to either get an education or get a proper job and start their career, because they can follow in the footsteps of a few who have 'made it' with a You Tube channel.

And then "nice" people come along and enable them by posting positive comments. :facepalmMore proof that
being "nice" is bringing us all down and subjecting us to the worst of what we are capable of. :LOL:
Have you heard anything about transformer swaps in the 100? Like they are using a new transformer in the 100?

And so the great Gibson dumbing down/trimming the fat from Mesa Boogie begins----or continues ----
after starting with the Mark VII. :sofa


Yea, this got sad really quickly when I saw the YouTube channel. From a very good troll to a very troubled individual.

From the few videos I partially watched, I get a sense that there is some level of detachment going on. I honestly don't think that he's intentionally embellishing anything or knowingly bullshitting anyone. Which complicates things, because how do you deal with someone like that on a public forum?
Oh I agree. However, his description in his YouTube channel and his stuff…..just points to someone who’s not quite there.

His forum posts are pretty weird too. I guess he’s just a weird dude.
Indeed - there is a *massive* gulf between what he claims on his YouTube channel bio, and the content he puts out on the channel.

I don't think it's a parody, I think it is someone who is genuinely a sandwich or two short of a picnic!
Not since 1987. Back then it was mandatory, today not so much.

Not me.... but you know who. :wat

And then "nice" people come along and enable them by posting positive comments. :facepalmMore proof that
being "nice" is bringing us all down and subjecting us to the worst of what we are capable of. :LOL:
I think you're at least partially kidding, but..., Participation Trophies.