Fractal Talk

Yes and no.

The sounds coming from the Fractal and modern modelers have much higher production value than tones from 60/70/80/90s.

My point was that modern tastes for guitar tones were developed from the internet "click algorithm", and the majority of those tones were done with modelers. And that feeds back upon itself. The best modeled tones then are used as a model for future iterations.

After the fact, some people have gone back and recreated the "modern interpretation of tone" with mics. For the past decade (at least) people haven't been listening to old recording for inspiration in their production. The expectation for modern guitar tones was largely set by modeling devices.

The only reason to use analog gear to record is for creativity and inspiration, but anyone doing that (now) are just emulating the production techniques developed over the past decade or so.

To make a crude analogy, its the same reason so many strippers have fake tits. At first fake tits stick out like a sore thumb, but after seeing so many, people start to identify with that look, even though they know its not real.

And now women are all wearing padded push up bras to make it look like they have fake tits even if they dont.

Jennifer Lawrence Reaction GIF
Sounds like you got it dialed in just fine!

Appreciate it! I am loving the FM9 honestly. I mentioned some of this on "another forum that shall not be named," but I was aprehensive on moving to Fractal because the more obsessive, neurotic fanboys always annoyed me. But I can say that I am really liking it so far!

All I'll say is, I judge a piece of gear by the amount of time it drives me to play. And no other piece of gear has got me playing more than Fractal so far lol. I spend my free time at work in my cube listening to recordings on my phone.
Appreciate it! I am loving the FM9 honestly. I mentioned some of this on "another forum that shall not be named," but I was aprehensive on moving to Fractal because the more obsessive, neurotic fanboys always annoyed me. But I can say that I am really liking it so far!

All I'll say is, I judge a piece of gear by the amount of time it drives me to play. And no other piece of gear has got me playing more than Fractal so far lol. I spend my free time at work in my cube listening to recordings on my phone.
I always remind myself that I'm buying the product not the community 🤣

How have you found the editing experience? I know that's a daunting task for newer users. I personally think it's overblown but it is intimidating
I always remind myself that I'm buying the product not the community 🤣

How have you found the editing experience? I know that's a daunting task for newer users. I personally think it's overblown but it is intimidating

I like that quote :D LOL

Editing on the desktop is honestly super easy. Although I did watch a bunch of videos beforehand so I was familiar with most things. Editing on the hardware unit is obviously a pain though... I can already tell I will struggle in a live setting if I need to adjust stuff, so I am trying to learn how to tweak things on the unit itself and not rely only on the editing software.

Simple adjustments on the fly aren't bad, but if I need to adjust scene controllers / control switches, more complicated stuff like that, THAT would be a nightmate to do live.
Just realized I had the wrong reverb on at the end. I meant to turn on the nimbostratus because it is pretty similar to my Bigsky cloud settings and is great for that CCM sound.

I have a hold function that swaps the nimbostratus to the deep space reverb, which is nice and spacey but super clean for parts that don't need the big cloud.