That is the problem with this whole thing. Many modelers create what people think it sounded like, not what it actually sounded like.
Some original EVH guitar stems were posted on YT, don't know if they are still there. They were shrill and trebly AND they were recorded to console/ tape and who knows how many generations of copies and/or eq.
If someone didnt have a Neve console and the best mics, and just stuck an SM57 into their Mackie mixer or 4-track, what would it have sounded like? My guess is that people would put the mic right on dust cap and use the tape loss of high end to balance it out.
I think the approach was largely to just stick mics on it and use EQ/mix on the board, plus neve/api sound of the console to make it work. And then use compressors and reverb tank sparingly.
The coveted EJ sound? How much of that was done at the board?
My opinion of modelers is that they are converging on a "fakeness" that people like based on modern recording techniques and a produced sound.
Fender TMP came out with a 5150 model that people generally didn't like. Someone did an AB shootout with the Fractal 5150 and they were different! So a few months later, Fender rolls out a patch where the 5150 now sounds nearly identical to the AB with the Fractal (and they gave some explanation that I forget.) Was the new 5150 more realistic, or did they tone match it to the Fractal because its what people expect? I think the latter.