Fractal Talk

Back in my Mesa days I would have lost my shit if someone did this to my amp's knobs and EQ. That stuff took infinity time to get set just right. If you even breathed near it I'd be pissed.

As a former Mark IV/Dual Rec owner, yes!
The beardmasters latest rig:

Dude, carbon fiber fronts? ❤️💕
Reminds me of the time we played a show, and it was early early days of the band and I didn't have an amp. So I took my Fulltone OCD along and was just gonna play through the house amp, which was a tiny Fender combo thing. It was shit.

The headline band (bunch of nobodies really) wouldn't let me borrow their amp, because he didn't want me to mess up his controls.

Mate... you were playing a fucking Marshall Mode Four... it was gonna sound like dogshit whatever you set the knobs to!!
I think IV

Agree. A new dual space rack mount monster FAS flagship would truly be............. yup, a game changer.
Never mind all the resident Madison Square Bedroom players around here (mostly), a new flagship
would rock the studio world as well as every pro muso touring with at least one Axe III.

A new rack is where you'd get a Petrucci doing full page endorsement ads.
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