Fractal Talk

View attachment 29450
And even better with a Wrecker Liverpool running hot:chef

... unless you're a chicken afraid of ghosts

Long story: I was adding a very subtle Dual Chromatic Pitch at +12 and-12 and a little bit of CE-2 (both in mono). While playing, I realized that the result resembled something like ghost notes. So I disengaged the Pitch Shifter and the Chorus, and I started playing with Supply Sag, B+Time Constant and AC Line frequency. Now I have no need to go back to these monotone artifact generators. Enjoy liberating the spirits of the amp tubes!

BTW: There is a Sag Anonymous Association
In guitar player terms, is something that if attempted to modify in real amplifier could get you electrocuted, and burn the house 😅
Macaulay Culkin Christmas Movies GIF by filmeditor

Basically: when the power supply doesn't have enough power for the tubes requirement to handle a signal peak, the current drops. The B+ Time Constant is the time that the power supply takes to fall and recover to a normal value when that happens.

In Cliff terms:
View attachment 29452

Thanks a lot.

I just tried to tweak them a little on a 59slp, it had some kind of compressed feel.
Is there some kind of recipes? Like x% more of supply sag equal x% less of B+ ?
View attachment 29450
And even better with a Wrecker Liverpool running hot:chef

... unless you're a chicken afraid of ghosts

Long story: I was adding a very subtle Dual Chromatic Pitch at +12 and-12 and a little bit of CE-2 (both in mono). While playing, I realized that the result resembled something like ghost notes. So I disengaged the Pitch Shifter and the Chorus, and I started playing with Supply Sag, B+Time Constant and AC Line frequency. Now I have no need to go back to these monotone artifact generators. Enjoy liberating the spirits of the amp tubes!

Very cool. I used to do it that way, but then I found it easier just to change the power supply from AC to DC. I do that right away with any models where ghost notes are really prevalent, like the BE-100.
Haha!! :LOL:

Isn't that part of the inherent issue with any UI? The easier we make it the dumber
and more incompetent we become as humans?? :idk

Sure. We can argue that offloading some of that mental capacity to machines allows
us freedom to pursue other activities. Like porn and parlays. :lol

Take GPS and mobile tracking. The sense of direction and spatial recognition that our
species cultivated over thousands upon thousands of generations is being squandered
as people rely on the machines and tech to do the work for us.

And forget about expecting people to be able to read and locate themselves on a 2D map.
East/West/North/South are increasingly archaic for people with access to the tech that
makes the 4 directions irrelevant and unrecognizable to us.

Essentially, making everything easier conspires to make us fatter, lazier, dumber, and increasingly
ineffective in meatspace. Unless we make a conscious choice to counteract the trend in our
own life. :idk
Absolutely! I started really noticing it when spell-check became prevalent.

We'd really be in trouble if certain tech got lost somehow.
While Axe-Fx III owners enjoy another fully free and loaded upgrade this week:

That’s actually extremely clever marketing on Kemper’s part. One of the most common complaints people have about digital is that they don’t want to pay for features they’ll never use.

And since day one there have been requests for a small unit that only loads profiles. The Player is that unit.
And yet they called it "PROFILER Player" :facepalm
The english seems a little clumsy but the big dog is the "profiler" so the baby version is dubbed the "profiler player" to connote a smaller and lower spec version of the profiler. With level 3 it is closer to the full spec - only lower spec in terms of connections and hardware switches etc.