Fractal Talk

Huh, interesting. I wonder if he’s cooking up something new.
Well, a Mk2 turbo would be new…. But I think it’s kind of expected at this point since it was the only device without the larger scribble strips. Seemed like they would refresh it when they had used up enough of the initial components.

I just hoped it would coincide with a public release of this firmware.

I read somewhere that AX8 and FM9T are equal value
Mandatory GIF by Peloton
If it's already been traded even up; how can you create a thread where you stealthily link the already traded item in question as still being FS?
Animated GIF

"Appeal" might be too big of a word, it's more of a utilitarian thing - but IMO an incredible one. Or, the other way around: the lack of global blocks on the Helix made me go back to a hybrid board.

It might not be relevant for many (maybe even most) people, but for my kind of gigs/jobs, it's absolutely crucial to be both flexible while still being able to adjust my entire setup to accomodate some situations.
And most often it's really simple things. Such as: Clean channel not loud enough generally? Well, with 10+ patches using clean sounds, it's impossible to adjust those during a soundcheck. And even if you managed, what if you overcompensated? You're f*cked. With global blocks it's every bit like a traditional amp setup (controlled by a loopswitcher). Turn your clean channel up once, done. And even if you went too far, no problem, you could even fix this while a chord/note is ringing out.
There's a bunch more of useful "side effects", but the above is the most important thing for me.

This is perhaps the only explanation I've read that presents any real value to me. Of course, for that - and many, many other reasons - I like to keep live presets to 1-2 (and base amp tones to 1-3) at most, filled to the brim with Scenes.

I've tried per-song presets before, and the juice is rarely worth the squeeze to me. Even in cover band-y gigs. I'm already changing up bits from "album authentic" to account for the lead singer's range, or the bass and keyboard tones I play with or whatever have you. Might as well stick with a simplified, but versatile rig.
This is perhaps the only explanation I've read that presents any real value to me. Of course, for that - and many, many other reasons - I like to keep live presets to 1-2 (and base amp tones to 1-3) at most, filled to the brim with Scenes.

Yeah - when I had the Helix, I always only used one single kitchen sink preset per gig. I never even once switched presets. Worked kinda fine, but at the same time, I sometimes felt like wasting some potential. And in fact, ever since I went back, I do actually make use of some things, such as occasionally using one or the other oddball FX stuff from an MS-50 (which is sitting in its own loop activated in one single loopswitcher patch). Works incredibly well - and it's something I was never able to do with my "has to do the entire gig" patches, simply because all CPU juice and switching options were already used up. With global blocks I could've created an additional patch dedicated to some special FX but still using the same core sounds.
Really, I almost swore to myself that the next all-in-one modeler I might buy will have a global block function. Otherwise I rather stick to my hybrid board. Unfortunately, atm that leaves me with the Axe FX (strict no-go for me, don't want a rack ever again), the KPA (and its option to lock parameters, sort of as useful as global blocks) and the GT-1000. I will purchase one of the latter at one point in this year, kinda owing it to myself to at least give it a thorough testride.

Anyhow, if the FM9 would get the global block feature, that might in fact make me consider one, even if I don't want to support G66's horrible pricing tactics.
This is perhaps the only explanation I've read that presents any real value to me. Of course, for that - and many, many other reasons - I like to keep live presets to 1-2 (and base amp tones to 1-3) at most, filled to the brim with Scenes.

I've tried per-song presets before, and the juice is rarely worth the squeeze to me. Even in cover band-y gigs. I'm already changing up bits from "album authentic" to account for the lead singer's range, or the bass and keyboard tones I play with or whatever have you. Might as well stick with a simplified, but versatile rig.

I do a similar thing, just a few base presets, but I do make per song copies of them for live playing. I’m not trying to exactly duplicate an album tone or something though with that approach, I’m just using it to automate the switching so I don’t have to tap dance. First scene/snap is the intro, then another one for the verse or next part, etc.

If I’m too lazy to do that (only takes 20-30 minutes usually) or I just don’t have time, I can do it all on the fly from one preset. It’s just easier with the automation, less to think about.

Sometimes I do look at the set and decide there isn’t enough sound switching to bother with automating anything though. Not very often, but sometimes.

What's the difference between global blocks and just starting a preset with your favorite blocks in your block library? Genuine question as I've never understood the appeal.
I hear you , could you not just update a library
Let’s say you tweak a 5153 blue just re-save it to the library, I mean it will take you an extra 30 seconds to reload it but it does not seems like a huge deal
Also save templates
That said I have all of about 20 presets
I hear you , could you not just update a library
Let’s say you tweak a 5153 blue just re-save it to the library, I mean it will take you an extra 30 seconds to reload it but it does not seems like a huge deal
Also save templates
That said I have all of about 20 presets
I don't believe that the library items propagate to instances where they have already been used. New presets will use the updated library version, but old presets will not get updated if you just change the library block (unless you were to go in and tell it to load the new library version over the old one). I could be wrong, but that is my understanding.

Not a problem if you have one or two presets, but if you have 20 that use that block, the global would be much quicker and more convenient ;~))
I hear you , could you not just update a library
Let’s say you tweak a 5153 blue just re-save it to the library, I mean it will take you an extra 30 seconds to reload it but it does not seems like a huge deal
Also save templates
That said I have all of about 20 presets
Multiply that times every preset where you use that block... Now try to remember every preset where you use that block.

And every other block...

Global blocks is one and done and no need to keep track of other stuff.