Fractal Talk


Marshall 2203 Andertons: £1699 inc 20% VAT.

£1699 minus 20% VAT = £1416

GBP £1416 = USD $1,830.75 at today's FX rate.

Sweetwater 2203 price in USD before tax:


Even allowing for price hedging for FX rates and other costs of doing business in a different region: We are being ripped off.

Yeah an 800 shakes out to $4,000 after taxes. Somehow ENGL, Victory, and Orange can all manage to sell big bottle multi channel amps for 2k. Marshall is just gouging in the states, and the market is begrudgingly supporting it.

Works out well for everyone else, because if they charged a flat price globally (accounting for currency conversions) then to maintain current revenue, prices would rise abroad while dropping here. You’re welcome world.
so what's the prediction just for fun , now that Dana cabs has been released and that obviously took a long time , any guesses as to the next update

will it be to the amp modelling ? Pitch block ? drive block

this does not mean in anyway I find the modelling lacking
Here, let me fractal talk for a moment.
I think wait-lists are a very clever solution to many things, they minimize losses, risks, outdated/extra hardware stocks, and allow the company the window to change anything like hardware revisions and prices.
In reality they are just pseudo pre-orders with no monetary or legal obligations, if anything occurs during that time the company drops you a 'sorry' email and tough luck, or if the customer doesn't want to buy his unit anymore the losses are tiny.

I'm going to shoot straight, wait-lists are perfect for the company and a total horse shit for the customer.
In my personal opinion and form my perspective.

I love you all my fellow fractal owners and forum peers, don't get all hissy on me now, think of the good times we had. 😝🤡

Yamaha can afford to gamble on a production run of 10,000 Helixes. Fractal’s pockets aren’t nearly that deep, so they have to be much more careful with their cash flow. I have no problem with the waitlist approach.
so what's the prediction just for fun , now that Dana cabs has been released and that obviously took a long time , any guesses as to the next update

will it be to the amp modelling ? Pitch block ? drive block

this does not mean in anyway I find the modelling lacking
I know it may seem redundant to some but I would love to see fractals capture take. Although I know it's been stated that Cliff has no interest.

I would love to see the drive blocks improved again lol
I know it may seem redundant to some but I would love to see fractals capture take. Although I know it's been stated that Cliff has no interest.

I would love to see the drive blocks improved again lol

^^ Cliffs responses on this and his home forum to Kempers Liquid Profiling announcement [and patent], which in his words was *exactly* what he was planning to do, make clear he was (?) intending to add a Capturing + Modeling Hybrid option into the Axe.

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^^ Cliffs responses on this and his home forum to Kempers Liquid Profiling announcement [and patent], which in his words was *exactly* what he was planning to do, make clear he was (?) intending to add a Capturing + Modeling Hybrid option into the Axe.

I don't think that's quite what it was. If I understand it correctly, Cliff's solution was intended to account for difference between e.g a JCM800 2203 model vs your real JCM800 2203. Things like component variance etc. EQ match exists, but I suppose whatever this solution is was meant to be better.

The condenser mic type in Dyna-Cab mode is a Soyuz 1973.

and I think the 121 is the Royer
I would think Marco is pretty well in the circle of trust and be mentioned it a few times in his recent tutorials
I am more optimistic about cliffs take on liquid profiling than Kemper. All the components are already modeled.
Liquid profiling and capturing are totally different things - based on comments I've read on FAS, I'd be surprised (but happy) to see a capture implementation using ML models like tonex and NAM. Probably what matters in the end is business value. If the money goes there, maybe FAS will too. Nobody has done it completely "right" yet with regards to hardware implementation of captures and it'd be an easy target for fractal if they wanted to do it IMO, but it doesn't seem to be of interest.
Liquid profiling and capturing are totally different things - based on comments I've read on FAS, I'd be surprised (but happy) to see a capture implementation using ML models like tonex and NAM. Probably what matters in the end is business value. If the money goes there, maybe FAS will too. Nobody has done it completely "right" yet with regards to hardware implementation of captures and it'd be an easy target for fractal if they wanted to do it IMO, but it doesn't seem to be of interest.

That’s kind of where I am too, Fractal seems to have basically all the modeling components down. Ideally if they could find more ways to dumb it down for users that would be great. Maybe that’s more on the preset side, so you can easily flip through tones that are ready to go.

There may be more in terms of tone matching though, and that could be the piece. Select the amp and the gain/EQ settings in the fractal then run the test tones through the amp and cab. You might get the best of both worlds.

i don’t know much about machine learning but I’m guessing the computer basically tries a whole bunch of settings in the amp model to get close and then applies the IR filter for overall EQ. I’d guess that’s where cliff may be headed. You can Still use all the features of the fractal then.

Where Kemper is still doing their profiles and the seems to be adding a tone stack and bright cap before the gain model, and then scales gain range to the amp.
I was sent a threatening letter by Kemper's lawyers after my patent was awarded. The risk of litigation needs to be considered.
I agree 100% , that’s got to be unnerving at the least .
My question to you how the heck has he not filed against NDSP ?
Also doesn’t Kempers new liquid profiling infringe on Fractal patents