Fender Tone Master Pro: Episode IV - A New Hope

TMP is worse because it's got a lot of zoom in and out stuff going on, and swiping between blocks. There's no super fast way to get from editing say block 2 to block 8 without waiting through some screen transitions first. Most users aren't going to care about that too much, but over time as you become proficient with the unit it might annoy you. It's just more waiting and tapping compared to directly going to the thing you want to change next.
This was ultimately why I returned the TMP for now.
The default view is the path overview which is good.
The footswitch banks can be cycled between 2 different views. Shown below is effect mode.
There are no long button presses yet though (although tapping the screen effect makes them editable) If they set it up so that long footswitch presses on the effect button would edit the effect this would help.
Many users are strongly demanding scenes. I think it's a must. I have an MC8 that could also do the job but the MIDI code isn't in the TMP yet with regards to the finer parameters.

The cost and requirements for those can be a problem though. We take a lot of what our smartphones and tablets do for granted but well working touch response is a deep rabbit hole.
  • Design of the touchscreen hardware. Modern touch displays are a digitizer-display-protective layer sandwich where to you it seems like the glass surface and screen are one, instead of looking like the display is under a glass panel.
  • Display refresh rate. Many phones have moved to 90-120+ Hz displays which allow them to be more responsive because the display updates more often.
  • Touch response processing. Even before high refresh rate displays became common, the touch processing would run at faster intervals so it could respond to touch faster even if the display update can't keep up.
  • Is the user tapping something, holding their finger down, or performing a gesture (e.g swipe)? Are they doing that with more than one finger?
  • Accidental touch detection. The software needs to be able to figure out if you accidentally touched an edge of the screen, or maybe used your palm on a tablet while drawing with a stylus.
Google and Apple have spent a lot of effort figuring this out so 3rd party devs don't have to, but companies making modeler hardware might not be so lucky. Even if they were able to use essentially an OEM phone or tablet touchscreen part that is as good as whatever is on an iPad, the software would still have its own challenges.

So a modeler being as responsive as your phone is not happening so easily. IMO the current units on the market are good enough as most of the actions needed are simple.

The more important thing is UI design that is efficient. Fractal's current onboard UI issues are not about the number of parameters or pages, but how much work it takes to get there, figure out where you are, then get to another block, then back again.

Axe-Edit has all the same stuff but getting to things is always only a few mouse clicks away. Same for the QC touchscreen UI. On both any block is always just one click away. Even Helix is kind of halfway with its capacitive footswitches allowing fast access to blocks.

TMP is worse because it's got a lot of zoom in and out stuff going on, and swiping between blocks. There's no super fast way to get from editing say block 2 to block 8 without waiting through some screen transitions first. Most users aren't going to care about that too much, but over time as you become proficient with the unit it might annoy you. It's just more waiting and tapping compared to directly going to the thing you want to change next.

A bigger problem with TMP is the lack of proper scenes. You can assign on/off toggles, parameter changes etc to each footswitch within a preset, but it's a lot harder to track what is going on compared to scenes, and changing them requires some deep diving too. IMO even Boss is better in this regard because you can see a better overview of "what do all these footswitches do" compared to the TMP. I hope Fender improves this system over time.
Aren’t like new iPhones as much as the TMP? With like max gb
Aren’t like new iPhones as much as the TMP? With like max gb
TMP in Australia is absurdly cheap compared to the QC... kind of funny that in the US they both retail for 1699.

1700usd = 2600aud (I'd always just inflate to 2700 cause its never bang on)

AU QC price - $3150-3200
AU TMP price - $2200-$2300
AU FM3 Turbo - $2350

IPhone 15 pro
Funny..one of the main reasons i bought the TMP is because of the screen. I don’t gig anymore, and when i did, i used tube amps…so i am new to modellers. I had a Kemper awhile back, and all I did was scroll through profiles…as opposed to actually playing. The Fractal is way more complex and more tech than i would ever need as a home player now. The TMP gives me enough amps and the GUI to me is awesome, and inspires me to play…which is all that matters to me. The headphone out is a bonus for quiet playing. The icing on the cake is the ability to stream from my iphone/ipad. I like using Moises to extract my mp3s to play along to tracks. It’s definitely expensive though, but ultimately worth it for me.
TMP in Australia is absurdly cheap compared to the QC... kind of funny that in the US they both retail for 1699.

1700usd = 2600aud (I'd always just inflate to 2700 cause its never bang on)

AU QC price - $3150-3200
AU TMP price - $2200-$2300
AU FM3 Turbo - $2350

IPhone 15 pro
View attachment 25778
In Canada we get crushed on the Fractal duty.
For an FM9 turbo at 1699USD, it hits over 3k with shipping, duty and taxes.
the TMP and QC are the same at 2399CAD,

New phones are slightly less crazy than AUS....but I don't buy Apple, However used Samsungs come free with the purchase of any bowl of soup. I got an S20+ for $150 used

TMP in Australia is absurdly cheap compared to the QC... kind of funny that in the US they both retail for 1699.

1700usd = 2600aud (I'd always just inflate to 2700 cause its never bang on)

AU QC price - $3150-3200
AU TMP price - $2200-$2300
AU FM3 Turbo - $2350

IPhone 15 pro
View attachment 25778
Holy crap phones really are more then modellers
In Canada we get crushed on the Fractal duty.
For an FM9 turbo at 1699USD, it hits over 3k with shipping, duty and taxes.
FM9 Turbo in AU is 3556 + shipping ($28/$56), thats around $3225 CAD... we get beat up just as much on FAS gear :rofl (most things imported honestly... TMP is a complete one off).
FM9 Turbo in AU is 3556 + shipping ($28/$56), thats around $3225 CAD... we get beat up just as much on FAS gear :rofl (most things imported honestly... TMP is a complete one off).

^^ This.

Down here the TMP and Full Helix Floor are *basically* the same price - within $100 or so of each other when price-comparing-shopping - which to me is insane given that the Helix has a massive f%ckton more Amps, EFXs, Cabs, Features, 2 x extra FSW's, on-board Exp Pedal and a proven regular support track record over nearly 8 years !

Down here, either the full Floor Helix is way underpriced -or- the TMP is way overpriced.

I.m.h.o .... its clearly the later.

^^ This.

Down here the TMP and Full Helix Floor are *basically* the same price - within $100 or so of each other when price-comparing-shopping - which to me is insane given that the Helix has a massive f%ckton more Amps, EFXs, Cabs, Features, 2 x extra FSW's, on-board Exp Pedal and a proven regular support track record over nearly 8 years !

Down here, either the full Floor Helix is way underpriced -or- the TMP is way overpriced.

I.m.h.o .... its clearly the later.

It's not just the cargo it's the engine. The helix doesn't have an 8 core cpu or a touchscreen. The TMP has room to grow. However half the Helix amps and effects aren't that good anyway. I love the capacitive switches though. That was genius. The Badonk, Recto, 2203 and the Placater are very good.
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It's not just the cargo it's the engine. The helix doesn't have an 8 core cpu or a touchscreen. The TMP has room to grow.

Number of cores does not necessarily equal more processing power overall.

I keep reading comments about how powerful the TMP is "because 8 cores". It's working great in terms of marketing for Fender, but let's have a bit more critical thinking here.

Start asking questions like: "how much processing power does each core have relative to other hardware products?" or "how is a given core suited to digital signal processing workloads?" or even, "what is the latency hit if 2 smaller cores are required to do what one big core would do in other products?".
I'll say it again: Number of cores does not necessarily equal more processing power overall.

I keep reading comments about how powerful the TMP is "because 8 cores". It's working great in terms of marketing for Fender, but let's have a bit more critical thinking here.
Regardless, components aren't cheap. You're not just paying for code. It's not cheaply made.
I don't need to ask questions, I actually tried it
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i am new to modellers. ... The TMP gives me enough amps and the GUI to me is awesome ... The headphone out is a bonus for quiet playing. The icing on the cake is the ability to stream from my iphone/ipad
And this is why TBP was be a success, people buying "Fender" because they know the brand, without knowing what they could actually get from other manufacturers for the same money, or considerably less.
That's why TBP will for me always be a borderline scam.
And this is why TBP was be a success, people buying "Fender" because they know the brand, without knowing what they could actually get from other manufacturers for the same money, or considerably less.
That's why TBP will for me always be a borderline scam.
I don’t play any Fender amps..never owned any. The fact that it was a Fender turned me off ay first. I don’t think I’ve ever owned anything Fender. Lol. I did plenty of research. Guess I’m an idiot. Different strokes for different folks.
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It's not just the cargo it's the engine. The helix doesn't have an 8 core cpu or a touchscreen. The TMP has room to grow. However half the Helix amps and effects aren't that good anyway. I love the capacitive switches though. That was genius. The Badonk, Recto, 2203 and the Placater are very good.
The Vitriol is great too
For cleans Dripman and Princeton are good
Holy crap phones really are more then modellers
Yet, phones doesn’t do modeling any better (nowhere near even) than dedicated hardware modelers when it comes to practical features.

Sound, yes, but that comparison is more like phone vs computer in a DAW/plugin sense.

Edit: and my point is nothing really… but in a philosophical sense there is no reason whatever to compare the cost between a phone (for what it is) and a modeler (for what it is)

In fact, ponder this. If you invested in a helix floor back in -15 -16 and kept it, (or a Fractal device for that matter) using it to its fullest (maybe with a band and for home use, studio), stayed with it, enjoyed all its updates up until now. It’s easy to see that the price that we always consider expensive somehow, is no where near the insane absurdity of a price we pay to enjoy the latest phone.

Imho the winners of this current generation of modelers are the buyers that bought and actually fucking used their shit instead of hoping around between gear (like I did) or didn’t buy anything because they always thought something better is around the corner since 2016. Because all modelers since 10 years are perfectly fine to make awesome music with.
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The prices of phones are crazy, and I'm the first to bitch and complain about it, but considering what you can do on them now is insane. I often don't even turn on my computer. I can surf, manage excel spreadsheets, connect an irig for guitar, game, watch movies, screen mirror to any tv, spotify to the car, GPS map to the car, be a control app for a guitar modeler, text, oh ya and make video and voice calls....... dollar for dollar, phones are unmatched considering they can do so much.
The prices of phones are crazy, and I'm the first to bitch and complain about it, but considering what you can do on them now is insane. I often don't even turn on my computer. I can surf, manage excel spreadsheets, connect an irig for guitar, game, watch movies, screen mirror to any tv, spotify to the car, GPS map to the car, be a control app for a guitar modeler, text, oh ya and make video and voice calls....... dollar for dollar, phones are unmatched considering they can do so much.
It’s annoying how I don’t keep up…. And I’m a lucky bastard that basically gets last years phone free from my employer. Every year.

My son showed me recently that I can play Xbox on my iPhone…. I was like wtf… tell me that now and I’ve been grumpy for not getting any Xbox time… and it works great actually. Can potentially ruin my own rules of “no screen in bed”.
It’s annoying how I don’t keep up…. And I’m a lucky bastard that basically gets last years phone free from my employer. Every year.

My son showed me recently that I can play Xbox on my iPhone…. I was like wtf… tell me that now and I’ve been grumpy for not getting any Xbox time… and it works great actually. Can potentially ruin my own rules of “no screen in bed”.
yep, I have xbox gamepass. It's a pretty great package. $20/month to play a ton of titles. Although often I just play Asphalt. lol. funny enough I use my xbox to mostly play movies from a network drive. The graphics cards on them are great. Cheapest 4k alternative out there.