Fender Tone Master Pro: Episode IV - A New Hope

Civility and decency aren’t hard things to have control over. I’m not backing down on the idea that calling company reps “C*nts” because you don’t like the answers is the wrong way to handle things, particularly if you’re looking for resolution to an issue. I’ve been in customer service my entire working life, the first thing that happens when someone approaches with with hostility over an issue is I go into robot mode, because the hostility does nothing to fix the issue and only works to sever a working relationship. If I react to that, I’m not reacting to the issue itself.
Well said. IMO people are fed up with the ass-kissing that goes on in other places and when they taste blood it's an "A-ha, got you know!" moment so they go to the other extreme :rofl

@atomicamps looking at you :pitchforks:pitchforks:pitchforks:pitchforks
One of the things I really like about this place in contrast to TOP is the lack of personal attacks and bickering.

To whatever degree we can maintain that distinction will be the difference between chicken salad and chicken shit, as my mother used to say.
I'll reign it in. I can get a bit testy and aggy sometimes, depending on how my life is going, and I do have a tendency to be a bit of a knob and take it out on the forums I post on.
I'll reign it in. I can get a bit testy and aggy sometimes

How about: You can publicly call me a twunt as much as you like and I'll just keep taking it? :rofl

The Office Facepalm GIF

Will that help let it out?
Didnt fender reps say they plan to release updates every 6 months? I hope they will at least do that
I thought this was already known, and being compared to NDSP starting a Discord, ie. moving off forums and into a space where they can control (censor) the dialogue.
They can control the dialogue on a forum just as well. See TOP. If anything Discord as a platform controls NDSP!!! When you host your own forum you make the rules, discord has its own set of terms and conditions.
I think expectations for the QC were much higher than the TMP by quite a bit. I also think they sucked up a lot of the heat the TMP could have been getting (if Fender stopped pretending it's 2014 and made a bunch of promises that they failed to deliver).

I think the QC will also continue on with the lions share of threads of "send it back to the motherland to get repaired" that get insta-closed vs. the TBP which is built like a tank. There's really not much to discuss on the TMP because it's shallow af and seems to be 1000% directed at the "I don't tweak I just play" crowd.
I was debating adding a “3-6 months after launch…..unless they had over a year of hype marketing and promises given before it started shipping” in anticipation of that. :rofl They‘re not off the hook until they address the Blue Lights Of Death for me. I don’t even care about the missing/promised stuff or plugins, just consistent functional units.
I am where you are right now
I like the unit , I think the user interface is fire and I like the tones and many of the pro capture guys like Jason of Headfirst
My concern , I have been following your threads posts and screenshots as well as FB groups and there does appear to be an above average amount of issue or DOA units.
Communication with brand employees can be tricky.

I've worked in the marketing department of an (unnamed) audio brand for over a year, but internal "unspoken" conflicts, subtle mobbing, all while the people higher up stuck to that disgusting "startup mentality" (the office is a playground, everything is so awesome, we're the best in the business, yet employees are not allowed to communicate their amount of income amongst each other, completely wrong work contracts being issued, etc.), drove me away and finally made me quit.

At some point, I was under the impression that everyone's being brainwashed into brand loyalty. 💩

And while brands have to try and get in touch with the various online communities of their branch, there's always Corporate Language getting in the way, as it's a huge part of Corporate Identity. Find ways to white-wash mistakes and bad products, stay positive even if you just put a sh*t product on the market.

Thin ice.

Yet I can't blame anyone who wants to keep the job they have. 😁 You do you.
I still don't care. Not even a little.

What's less than a little? :unsure:


I also think being decent is a choice, and we form our intentions
about how to navigate the world daily, or we are lazy and allow
our basest instincts and programming to run the show for us.

This is why not caring is sometimes the healthiest course we can chart
for ourselves. :beer