Fender Tone Master Pro: Episode IV - A New Hope

Had to take a break from the forums for a week to focus on some things regarding TMP.

Here's a thing I did last night with my EVH Wolfgang Standard Laurel Exotic into Tone Master Pro.
I connected TMP to my iPhone with a USB to Lightning adapter for direct recording.
The backing track (no guitars) was streamed over Bluetooth from my macbook to the TMP.

The preset used the EVH 5150 III Blue channel boosted with the Greenbox.
Preset "We Die Young" has been uploaded to the cloud.

BTW...this was recorded with the currently available production firmware v1.1.111.

Sounding great Stilwel 👍
Sounding great Stilwel 👍
It's the only digital device that can nail that tone (a boosted EVH) it seems.

To be fair I don't associate AiC with a boosted EVH so if that's what they've been trying to use it may not have been the most accurate
Y'all are making the assumption that there's only one RIGHT way to do any of this stuff.
It's going to be fine. All use cases will be addressed.
Genuinely, though, if the SIC is applied after the power amp model, then how does it dynamically interact with the response/clipping behavior of the power amp?

It seems that aspect of the power amp modeling in the TMP is possibly just a baked-in response unaffected by the downstream SIC, while the SIC itself is acting as a simple EQ filter after the amp. (?)
Had to take a break from the forums for a week to focus on some things regarding TMP.

Here's a thing I did last night with my EVH Wolfgang Standard Laurel Exotic into Tone Master Pro.
I connected TMP to my iPhone with a USB to Lightning adapter for direct recording.
The backing track (no guitars) was streamed over Bluetooth from my macbook to the TMP.

The preset used the EVH 5150 III Blue channel boosted with the Greenbox.
Preset "We Die Young" has been uploaded to the cloud.

BTW...this was recorded with the currently available production firmware v1.1.111.

Nice playing! Sounds great :headbang
I’ll put my 2 cents in here.
The few Mom and Pop stores left in my area do not carry new Fender or Gibson products.
I guess that maybe a sign of the times not specific to those companies 🤷🏻

Lots of vendors have mandatory minimums that prevent smaller shops from being "allowed"
to sell a certain brand. It's been that way for a long time, though. As a retailer you can't carry
a certain brand unless you maintain a certain level of $$$$$ in inventory of that brand.

Smaller shops just can't manage such an heavy load, so they don't get to carry and stock
brand X. :idk
Lots of vendors have mandatory minimums that prevent smaller shops from being "allowed"
to sell a certain brand. It's been that way for a long time, though. As a retailer you can't carry
a certain brand unless you maintain a certain level of $$$$$ in inventory of that brand.

Yep, every company is different in how they go about that, too.

In the late 90’s if you were an ESP dealer you had to take in one custom model a year, we had a Horizon Custom sitting on the shelf for about 3 years after that. I can’t remember the details of Hoshino, I want to say it was a $25K minimum order a year and you had to order both Ibanez guitars and Tama drums. We tried to get Fender but there was a Fended dealer 3 miles down the road from us, we didn’t even find out the costs due to that.
Lots of vendors have mandatory minimums that prevent smaller shops from being "allowed"
to sell a certain brand. It's been that way for a long time, though. As a retailer you can't carry
a certain brand unless you maintain a certain level of $$$$$ in inventory of that brand.

Smaller shops just can't manage such an heavy load, so they don't get to carry and stock
brand X. :idk
Yup, totally true. However some companies like to say “oh, you want to carry this guitar that sells like water in the Sahara? You also have to buy this many of this utter turd we can’t seem to move.” That kind of stuff really sucks, and it’s why you see “stupid deal of the day” and the like.
The guy who posted the insta clip said he'd been searching for this tone since 1991 😂 so yes I was being sarcastic in my reply

I Hate You Lol GIF by Lifetime
Y'all are making the assumption that there's only one RIGHT way to do any of this stuff.
It's going to be fine. All use cases will be addressed.

When modeling an analog system where the interaction between the components is well understood, yes, there is only one right way for the modeled components to interact. That's the definition of accurate simulation :-).
fender is late to the game. They have their fans like any other company but its gonna take alot of catch up for them to even get there the helix or fractal are. Anyone who doubts this is clouded by their fan ism ness.
fender is late to the game. They have their fans like any other company but its gonna take alot of catch up for them to even get there the helix or fractal are. Anyone who doubts this is clouded by their fan ism ness.
On the flip side, they’ve got a massive fan base that’ll buy it just because it’s a Fender. And let’s be honest; there are still some great sounds in there, for a 1.0 release.

I think Fender is smart with the Tonemaster amps and now this. I think they think the writing is on the wall for tube amps. Maybe not this decade, but at some point it’ll be an issue where the hell you’re getting tubes at all.