Fender Tone Master Pro: Episode IV - A New Hope

I wonder how TMP’s are selling overall. Does anyone know? Flying off the shelves or a hard sell? Following this forum and TGP I’m getting the impression there is quite a bit of resistance to this product but I’m not sure whether this reflects the reality of the situation on a wider scale.
Hard to say. In the case of a lot of the area shops, no one wants to carry Fender products, because they like to fuck their small dealers. Fender, as a corporate entity, are a bunch of assholes.
I wonder how TMP’s are selling overall. Does anyone know? Flying off the shelves or a hard sell? Following this forum and TGP I’m getting the impression there is quite a bit of resistance to this product but I’m not sure whether this reflects the reality of the situation on a wider scale.

This forum and TOP definitely do not reflect what the actual market is up to. We're the hardcore types that like to talk gear when we don't have guitars in our hands. The actual market is far less involved in the little details than we are, and I would guess that the TMP is selling well based on availability and brand recognition alone.
This forum and TOP definitely do not reflect what the actual market is up to. We're the hardcore types that like to talk gear when we don't have guitars in our hands. The actual market is far less involved in the little details than we are, and I would guess that the TMP is selling well based on availability and brand recognition alone.
Same goes for the QC
Fender should enjoy a vastly larger exposition than any other modeler maker. Sure, Yamaha is at least as big as a company, but on the guitar "accessories" market, they pretty much don't exist and Line 6 has aquired a reputation for cheap-ish stuff - that at least over here they still haven't managed to fully adjust with the HX line. Headrush almost doesn't exist here, either (and there's no need to even talk about FAS).
Hence, quite some space for them to fill.
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Actually, my favorite are the garlic dill pickles from Chili's.

Drama Scandal GIF by Prince

Googles nearest chili’s…

Ha! Yes, I’ve seen that thread and even admitted to owning a TMP there! I’m just not sure whether the forums I mentioned are representative of the community at large or not. It would be interesting to know!
Forums are usually quite a-typical when compared to the wider market.
Hard to say. In the case of a lot of the area shops, no one wants to carry Fender products, because they like to fuck their small dealers. Fender, as a corporate entity, are a bunch of assholes.
Hmmm. That doesn’t sound good for people, like me, who own a TMP. I’ll admit, I was seduced, largely, by the Fender brand thinking the modeller ‘must’ be top-shelf. I’ve been surprised in just how many areas the TMP seems to have fallen short of the mark.
I’ll admit, I was seduced, largely, by the Fender brand thinking the modeller ‘must’ be top-shelf

Understandable. I was initially seduced by the clean TMP demos with lots of convolution reverb. Which coincidentally is what also seduced me a few years ago when I bought a Tone Master Deluxe Reverb combo.
Save for the brand recognition...
I'd say NeuralDSP has plenty of brand recognition just due to the amount of advertising they do. Sure, they are no Fender, but by comparison I rarely see people on e.g Reddit ask about Fractal but plenty are asking about NeuralDSP.
Hmmm. That doesn’t sound good for people, like me, who own a TMP. I’ll admit, I was seduced, largely, by the Fender brand thinking the modeller ‘must’ be top-shelf. I’ve been surprised in just how many areas the TMP seems to have fallen short of the mark.
I was seduced too at the very first moments after the launch of the unit. Actually, I think Fender did it really well in the UI and form factor approach. They managed to find an empty space there... I mean, Helix LT is too big, QC is too small with cramped footswitches, FAS has a difficult UI, Kemper seems dated... you know, the TMP is just in the perfect size/easy-to-use/full-footswitches thing. For me, there´s no other unit that has all that details so well solved.

Now, with the rest of factors they have to work very hard to be worth the asked money. I think it´s impossible to have all the problems sorted in less than 2 years. The bad news for Fender is... who knows where the other units will be when Fender has everything sorted.
I haven’t watched this yet, but apparently Rob is demo’ing the unit in this vid. This dude is known for killer 5150 tones, it’s like 80% of the reason I even listen to Chamaira. A 5150 into a Mesa cab has been his thing since the early 00’s, so this should be interesting.

FWIW, I’ll drop this in here as a reference to the ballpark he’s generally known for-

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I haven’t watched this yet, but apparently Rob is demo’ing the unit in this vid. This dude is known for killer 5150 tones, it’s like 80% of the reason I even listen to Chamaira. A 5150 into a Mesa cab has been his thing since the early 00’s, so this should be interesting.

FWIW, I’ll drop this in here as a reference to the ballpark he’s generally known for-

One of the formative bands of my youth.

The track is great, and his Mesa+5150 tone is stonking. TMP still sounds crap.
I haven’t watched this yet, but apparently Rob is demo’ing the unit in this vid. This dude is known for killer 5150 tones, it’s like 80% of the reason I even listen to Chamaira. A 5150 into a Mesa cab has been his thing since the early 00’s, so this should be interesting.

The positive reactions in the comments section of that video proves that we (speaker impedance curve obsessives) live in a fucking bubble.
Dude seems like a super nice guy. On the plus side for him; he doesn't have an idea of modern functionality beyond "it's a got a touchscreen"; so nothing here to make him go "why doesn't it do this?". And hearing him describe his mindset; the TMP is a perfect fit.