Been using an FR-12 at rehearsals with one of my bands for past few months and it has been great, and just picked up an FR-10 last week but haven't had much time with it, low end seems fine with the 10" speaker, anyway I'll take it to rehearsal tomorrow with my other band and will see how it fares, but I think it'll work out very well for me.
UPDATE: used the FR-10 at band rehearsal last night, classic rock covers band.
For most of the night the band was very loud, like in earplug territory. I ran my FM3 out 2 (+4 dBu, ran at about 2 o'clock on the FP OUT2 control) into the FR-10 and needed to set FR-10 volume to a little over 2 o'clock to keep up with the band when using quieter presets (I really really need to go through them and level them better with the FR-10!) but keep up it did. When the band finally turned down around 3/4 of the way through rehearsal it became way too loud, dialed it back under noon and ran down the FM3 out2 level down to noonish as well.
No shortage of low end, in fact it was quite boomy at first, needed to turn down the bass level to around 10 o'clock, it was really resonating with the stage floor. And again, I don't have any noticeable hiss out of the unit. Very impressed. And bandmates were also impressed.
Looking forward to using it at our next gig. This thing is going to give my Quilter TB202/BlockDock 12HD a run for it's money, lemme tell ya...

UPDATE UPDATE Used it 2 weekends ago (12/21/24, I became ill a few days later so didn't post) and it worked really well IMHO. Xmas party in mid-sized club/restaurant (Little Lou's in Campbell CA), we had the usual full house, audience 100 plus/minus a few, and people standing in the doorway.
I ran FM9T out 1 (+4dBu setting) into the amp (xlr to xlr) and the FM9 level was at about 1 o'clock. Amp was between 1 and 2 o'clock. I was monitoring the band levels using an old Android tablet and an app, which is not terribly accurate (I need to do a comparison, I do have a pro-level meter around here somewhere) but we worked to keep levels down, stage volume was between 95 and 100 dB, the app recorded a 103 dB peak. It's not scientific, I didn't measure distances or anything just use it for relative levels, anyway had no problem keeping up with the band except for one or two of my presets which are kinda low (and which I need to adjust). The levels were pretty good, for once my ears weren't ringing afterwards.
One item of note: LOTS of bottom end, and the amp was actually resonating somewhat with the stage , whenever I was doing anything on the low E string it was very boomy, really had to run the bass down to reduce the boominess, I think ended up around 9 o'clock.