Fender FR-10 possible volume issue…


Thanks in advance for any advice…

Recently got the Fender FR-10. I had heard it was very loud at 1000W. I also own the Laney LFR-112 (I mainly use this for bass as I find it a bit low-end heavy for guitar), which gets very loud, more than enough to keep up with a loud drummer, at about 40-50% on the volume control. The Laney is apparently 400W so on paper, at least, much less than the Fender.

The weird thing is, I find that I have to turn up the Fender FR-10 to a about 80-90% to get anywhere close to keeping up with our drummer at rehearsal, and he’s not even that much of a hard hitter. This is with a RnB/soul/funk band. With the Laney I have found it’s more like half way on the volume control and that is plenty.

My question is - do you think my Fr-10 likely has a fault and therefore is quieter than it should be? Fender FR-10 owners - where do you find you need to turn up the master volume to in order to get to gig levels?

I’m still within my returns window and am thinking about asking for a replacement… but maybe that’s just how it is?!

For context, I use a Quad Cortex. The output level is healthy.

Thanks for your reply. The marketing guff said 1000W but I guess that’s usual exaggeration. I have a feeling it’s probably as it should be but I’m just used to the Laney which is a beast
I run my FM3 up around 7-8 and without real PA reinforcement; I run the FR level knob around the same in a live band setting. It has to be cranked to keep up.
I’ve been trying to cut down lately. ;)

Seriously, though - I thought the FR12 and FR10 had the same 1000W power amp. Weirdly, though, I’ve sometimes had the same results as @JackBaily87. Sometimes QC + FR seems insanely loud at about 3/10; sometimes I have to crank it up to 7 or 8 during rehearsals, which is… concerning. It just recently popped into my head that the variable might be that sometimes I’m running XLR out of QC output 1, and sometimes 1/4” out of QC output 3. I have to experiment with this and see whether my global settings are out of whack for either. I’d recommend Jack do the same.
I’ve been trying to cut down lately. ;)

Seriously, though - I thought the FR12 and FR10 had the same 1000W power amp. Weirdly, though, I’ve sometimes had the same results as @JackBaily87. Sometimes QC + FR seems insanely loud at about 3/10; sometimes I have to crank it up to 7 or 8 during rehearsals, which is… concerning. It just recently popped into my head that the variable might be that sometimes I’m running XLR out of QC output 1, and sometimes 1/4” out of QC output 3. I have to experiment with this and see whether my global settings are out of whack for either. I’d recommend Jack do the same.
This is great advice thanks mate. I will check settings. The thing is at 80-90% it can do the job but just got me thinking that surely it should have more headroom than that
As has been stated here in the past, (I think), and going by the FR-12 manual, the FR-12 likes to see LINE level, so, check whatever you are plugging into it.
I run my FM3 up around 7-8 and without real PA reinforcement; I run the FR level knob around the same in a live band setting. It has to be cranked to keep up.
I’m running those at the same levels, with an XLR input. It just about keeps up with a loud drummer, but I feel it struggling. I may need to add a second FR10.
I’m running those at the same levels, with an XLR input. It just about keeps up with a loud drummer, but I feel it struggling. I may need to add a second FR10.
I gigged the 12 last night with full production support. Out 2 of the FM at about70-80%, level of FR at probably 6-7? It's about just right for cover band purposes. VS. a 100 watt head and cab and loud bass rig playing LOUD rock/metal; it would most likely not be enough.
From all accounts that I've gathered the ToneX cab is loud, like really fucking loud
