Fender Tone Master FR-10 and FR-12 "FRFR" cabs

Please buy my FM3! I'm spending myself into bankruptcy over here. ;)
Unfortunately I'm not there yet but thanks for letting me know.

Getting the FR-10 is doable financially but adding the FM3 would make it a significantly larger investment and since I already have a III and the FM9 I don't know if I can really justify the expenditure.

I keep thinking about getting another FM3 and very well may at some point but I'm still going back and forth on it.
Unfortunately I'm not there yet but thanks for letting me know.

Getting the FR-10 is doable financially but adding the FM3 would make it a significantly larger investment and since I already have a III and the FM9 I don't know if I can really justify the expenditure.

I keep thinking about getting another FM3 and very well may at some point but I'm still going back and forth on it.
I understand completely. Though my irresponsible behavior today might lead one to suspect otherwise. :D