Fender FR-12 finally unboxed!


I've had this thing for a couple of months and have just been too busy to try it out but today I finally unboxed it and tried it with my FM9.

It does hiss, but not badly. Initially I had it turned 90 degrees away from me and couldn't hear the hiss. Pointed right at me I could hear it but it was far less noticeable than the 60 cycle hum I've heard from many tube amps. It's far from a deal breaker. I won't be doing the mod.

I plugged the FM9 in with the FR-12's tone controls all set at 12 o'clock and cut at 9 o'clock. My clean Jazz preset sounded great. I could absolutely gig with this. That was a welcome relief because even though it won't be my #1 choice for gigging it will be a great grab and go option if on a given evening I don't feel like hauling around my 55 lb. Rivera Suprema Jazz Recording combo.

On the not so great side, my gain presets all sounded worse than they did when I set them up on my Presonus Eris 4.5s. Much of the problem is the delays. I'm really not accomplished at dialing them in. I'm used to blackface Fenders or other amps that just have a Reverb knob not multiple parameters that have to be set properly to sound good. I need to spend the time and do the work to learn how to build proper Reverb and Delay blocks.

I also need to finally start using Axe-Edit, import Leon Todd's reverbs and delays., and find the right IRs for my presets. That would make all the difference in the world.

While that's most of the problem I also clearly need to adjust my EQ settings. The mids are very different than the Presonus monitors. Ultimately I'll need to build a whole new set of presets for the FR-12 but I only have 5 presets and they're fairly simple so it won't be a gargantuan task.

But most importantly, as I said in the beginning, the Jazz tone is great! That's what's most important to me for practicing and gigging. The gain tones I use for jamming will happen in time.

All things considered at this point I'm glad I got it. I'd be surprised if even after I get the FM9 dialed in that I'll prefer it over my tube amps but my initial impression is that it's more than good enough.
So does it Amp where I'm at or does it not?

With my clean Jazz preset yes. With my gain presets no.

I'm sure much of it has to do with how I dialed in the gain presets using small studio monitors . With some work I'm sure they will sound better through the FR-12.

Will they eventually sound like an amp in the room? Time will tell.
Both are good suggestions.

I just left the IR that Fractal assigned to the preset that I based mine on. I need to check into that.

Also, I just took the left output from Output 1 and ran a XLR into the FR-12. The delays and reverb are probably stereo blocks.
With my clean Jazz preset yes. With my gain presets no.

I'm sure much of it has to do with how I dialed in the gain presets using small studio monitors . With some work I'm sure they will sound better through the FR-12.

You probably worked this out already, but BMT at noon is not particularly flat. The bass is hyped quite a bit.

So cut bass and add a touch more to mids and treble if you want a flatter response that translates better from monitors.
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isnt there a fix for the hiss? either someone figured out why its hissing and isolated the power amp i think or fender maybe redid the later batches?
isnt there a fix for the hiss? either someone figured out why its hissing and isolated the power amp i think or fender maybe redid the later batches?
IIRC the solution is to replace three op-amps but that requires IC sockets to be installed.

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IIRC the solution is to replace three op-amps but that requires IC sockets to be installed.

yes thats where i read this thanx
isnt there a fix for the hiss? either someone figured out why its hissing and isolated the power amp i think or fender maybe redid the later batches?

Some hiss more than others. Mine doesn't hiss a lot, it just isn't dead silent.

I don't hear any hiss at all when I'm playing and the hiss when not playing isn't loud enough that the audience would hear it so I'm not going to start swapping chips and void the warranty because the little hiss there is doesn't really bother me.
Some hiss more than others. Mine doesn't hiss a lot, it just isn't dead silent.

I don't hear any hiss at all when I'm playing and the hiss when not playing isn't loud enough that the audience would hear it so I'm not going to start swapping chips and void the warranty because the little hiss there is doesn't really bother me.

Alex Trebek Monster GIF by Jeopardy!
I think WKSmith over at the FAS Forum posted these EQ settings for a Flat response:

Treble 6
Middle 6.5
Bass 2.5
Cut 1


Thanks for posting that, I'll give it a try.

I'm still going to rework my presets. I think that with a little effort this thing is going to be a winner. The tube combo I plan to gig with weighs 55 lbs. so having the 24 lb. FR-12 as a grab and go option for smaller gigs and jam sessions would be a major asset, particularly if I can get the gain tones dialed in so that it sounds as good as, or close to as good as, my 40 lb. CLRs.

A-I-T-R tone would be the cat's meow if I can pull it off.
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The last sentence in the post above should be "not this shit again tone would be..." and that's what I see when I go to edit it.

I don't know why I'm reading "not this shit again?".

F*ck!! It did it again on this post!

Mods: Can you fix this?
Have you tried A-I-T-R?

WTF is going on?
That’s our TGF… and loving every minute of it!
Answer What GIF by Lil Jon

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