Fender Tone Master FR-10 and FR-12 "FRFR" cabs

In what way would that be good? Or what does this mean? If it changes the frequency response, it may be better sometimes but would be worse at other times. What does a conventional guitar cab sound like? If you have an impulse of that cab, this would then make it sound LESS like a conventional cab
It's hard to describe, and maybe this is why Fender got it so right, IMO:

It doesn't seem like they were going for "the true "FRFR" sound of whatever IR you're using", it seems like they were going for, "even though you are using a complete chain, including an IR and a mic, it's going to come out sounding like that, AND Amp where I'm atTM, at the same time", lol.

Yeah, it's really not flat at all at default settings. You have to cut bass and boost mids and treble to flatten it out and even then, it's not really flat.

And yet... it's still enjoyable to play. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Saying it sounds more like a cab is basically saying that it evokes more of the feeling of the IR you're using than some other FRFRs. Like when I load up a 4x12 cab IR it doesn't sound as much like a 4x12 in a cardboard box and sounds more like a 4x12 is supposed to.

A QSC K12.2, for example, is LOUD, and reproduces sound well, and isn't cheap, but even that speaker, where it usually is, onstage, seems like it has a small dispersion pattern, (or we just end up standing too close to them), and sounds a bit "plasticky", and well, small, compared to the FR-12.

The FR-12 sounds to me like a 3x12. Not quite a 4x12, but bigger than a 2x12 :rofl
I figured I'd never find myself wishing for a smaller speaker, but I could potentially wish I'd gotten the bigger speaker.
Like engine displacement, bank accounts, penis size . . . :rofl
Synths sound great through it. Acoustic sims are a little :idkbut every other synth sound I've thrown at it sounds great.
I can't get Musician's Friend to answer their phone or reply to the online Chat thing. Their collective "bottom feeder" alert must be going off LOL.

But I'm not going to pay a shipping fee that puts the used FR-10's price within striking distance of a new one. That's just stupid. Back in the day they'd truck stuff between stores with no cost to the customer... I think?
It's not like we're just guessing here. WKSmith posted some response charts on the fractal forum. 🙂

This is like the same sort of microphone "frequency response" we show our engineering students as an example of "smoothing"

MAYBE that's a smoothed version of the power amp output, if its the speaker output its smoothed beyond any semblance of reality. The curve does make sense on why people would like it though, its pretty much the definition of Loudness. Should actually be pretty cool until super high volumes and maybe ok even then
I can't get Musician's Friend to answer their phone or reply to the online Chat thing. Their collective "bottom feeder" alert must be going off LOL.

But I'm not going to pay a shipping fee that puts the used FR-10's price within striking distance of a new one. That's just stupid. Back in the day they'd truck stuff between stores with no cost to the customer... I think?
Buy a new one imo
Sweetwater offered me a new one for $450, free shipping. Done.

I may also have ordered another QC. A demo unit.

Steve Urkel Oops GIF
I'm wrestling with whether or not to pick up a FR-10 and a FM3.

I have an invitation to play with some legendary Philadelphia Jazz musicians at a small club here and while not too heavy, the FR-12 and FM9 rig I currently have, with a guitar or two, would be more than I want to haul to a place and audience of this limited size. My current rig is really overkill for this venue.

I'd rather not spend the bucks but I can see how the FR-10 and FM3 could be very useful in a variety of situations and I do have another Archangel V2 Gold preamp waiting to be installed in a second FR.
I'm sure neither is the Laney LFR.
What does that even mean? I made an observation about the quality and accuracy of response data that were taken by someone who does not know how to acquire loudspeaker response data. I said absolutely nothing about the actual response of the speaker, nor do I have the slightest idea what that response might look like. As a gesture of goodwill to the group, if someone in the DFW area will loan me a speaker to test, I'll be happy to acquire and share real response data.
What does that even mean? I made an observation about the quality and accuracy of response data that were taken by someone who does not know how to acquire loudspeaker response data. I said absolutely nothing about the actual response of the speaker, nor do I have the slightest idea what that response might look like. As a gesture of goodwill to the group, if someone in the DFW area will loan me a speaker to test, I'll be happy to acquire and share real response data.
Sorry, misread it. Thought you meant about how flat the cab was. Nvm.
I'm wrestling with whether or not to pick up a FR-10 and a FM3.

I have an invitation to play with some legendary Philadelphia Jazz musicians at a small club here and while not too heavy, the FR-12 and FM9 rig I currently have, with a guitar or two, would be more than I want to haul to a place and audience of this limited size. My current rig is really overkill for this venue.

I'd rather not spend the bucks but I can see how the FR-10 and FM3 could be very useful in a variety of situations and I do have another Archangel V2 Gold preamp waiting to be installed in a second FR.
Please buy my FM3! I'm spending myself into bankruptcy over here. ;)