Although I understand where you are coming from, I disagree. Cat Speakers were designed to accommodate multiple amp voicings, so they will be closer to a ""FRFR"" speaker than other combo amps that have or trying to have that one sound. Fender tries to sound like Fender, Marshall like Marshall, etc. Cat speakers were made to be more neutral in voicing with out the treble highs that most ""FRFR"" players turn off anyway especially at high volumes where the highs can get spikey.
I tried multiple SS combo amps before I bought my Cat 200 and noticed this. Have you spent any time with one other than just 10-15 min at a guitar store? I'm not saying it is going to be better than ""FRFR"", but I think it will be better than a lot of combo amps out there with speakers you can buy off the street.