Fender Tone Master Bassman

regardless of what us forum folk are willing to believe, the main issue the masses have with digital amps is how they look and how you interact with them. Digital to them usually means "menus, weird cables, loading times, complex presets, inconsistent results, too many options". This fixes those issues. They can plonk it in their living room and feel like they own a real classic Fender amp. Its not a Katana or Positive Grid or that Yamaha thing which are all "small dick energy" digital devices by comparison.

We like to think that modelling accuracy is the barrier that needs to be broken, and for a minority of users it really is the most important factor. But the vast majority of guitarists could be playing a broken amp for decades without realising anything is wrong - they're certainly not going to care. I'd personally prefer the hassle and drawbacks of a real valve amplifier, thats kind of the point.

I agree totally. It’s why Fender is so well positioned with this series, since all their iconic amp offerings are tied to a classic combo form factor. These pass the eye test, which is more important than we’d probably care to admit.

Adding a loop is a good thing. I’d love to see them start to add some more digital crowd focused features on the back (generation switch as Laxu mention, hi/low pass filters etc) and then they could still keep classic controls on the face. Business in the front, party in the back :ROFLMAO:
I agree totally. It’s why Fender is so well positioned with this series, since all their iconic amp offerings are tied to a classic combo form factor. These pass the eye test, which is more important than we’d probably care to admit.
Totally. When I see something like my BluGuitar - a little bit ugly, tiny, super lightweight box, it doesn't make me think of a "real" amp. It took me some time to come to terms that yes, this sounds/feels just as good as the all tube Bogner I had, and yes it gets even louder than that amp.

Same thing with the complex digital modelers we love on this forum. You could

The other half is the Tone Masters having real guitar speakers intended to go with this one amp model vs something like a Katana or Catalyst that needs to have a "works for all the models" compromise or "FRFR" systems with modelers.
I wish the tonemaster stuff was better. These are basically $1200-1500 single model modelers with PODxt level modeling dressed up with Fender marketing and logos.


I was on the fence about them for a while but the rehearsal space we rent just replaced all their Fender tube combos with TM Deluxe Reverbs and…just yuck. They sound “ok” until you’ve got them cranked and start hitting them with pedals.

Between the guitar pricing, these amps, and their modeling offerings Fender is almost insulting their customers.

These should be $600 amps period.
I wish the tonemaster stuff was better. These are basically $1200-1500 single model modelers with PODxt level modeling dressed up with Fender marketing and logos.


I was on the fence about them for a while but the rehearsal space we rent just replaced all their Fender tube combos with TM Deluxe Reverbs and…just yuck. They sound “ok” until you’ve got them cranked and start hitting them with pedals.

Between the guitar pricing, these amps, and their modeling offerings Fender is almost insulting their customers.

These should be $600 amps period.
It's probably just a rehoused Mustang GTX focusing on one specific amp model.
They are so practical… but I don’t think I’ll ever get over the experience of playing a TM DR next to my ‘64 Custom DR.

I can’t un-hear that and it haunts me every time I think about trying another TM.

Also I’ll be a lot more interested when they start offering something more interesting than the same reissue models they’ve been focused on for the last 30 years. I’d also love to see some of the heads/piggyback combos!

Give me a Tremolux, or a Bandmaster! Also has Fender forgotten the brownface era?
Also has Fender forgotten the brownface era?
Seems like everyone has. I’m just getting around to investigating 6G3 circuits and hell if you can find a digital model anywhere. Fractal probably has it, but it’s kind of a blind spot in the modeling arena.

I’ve always thought that odd given the 6G3’s ability to do Fender EOB and something approaching Marshall crunch literally within the same channel. Maybe that’s the rub - it’s too hard to pull off.
Hmm, not shabby at all.

Bassman toanz, yet lightweight, and with an FX loop + footswitch?

I have enough amps. If not, I'd be all over this and would probably order ASAP. The price is okay, maybe a little steep, but not a huge concern if you're really looking for that specific sound.

Seems like everyone has. I’m just getting around to investigating 6G3 circuits and hell if you can find a digital model anywhere. Fractal probably has it, but it’s kind of a blind spot in the modeling arena.

I’ve always thought that odd given the 6G3’s ability to do Fender EOB and something approaching Marshall crunch literally within the same channel. Maybe that’s the rub - it’s too hard to pull off.
I thought that was what the Tone Master Deluxe Blonde was supposed to be. Is that just an aesthetic thing?
Yeah, the blonde are the same as the black, just different tolex and different speaker.

Seems like everyone has. I’m just getting around to investigating 6G3 circuits and hell if you can find a digital model anywhere. Fractal probably has it, but it’s kind of a blind spot in the modeling arena.

I’ve always thought that odd given the 6G3’s ability to do Fender EOB and something approaching Marshall crunch literally within the same channel. Maybe that’s the rub - it’s too hard to pull off.

I think it’s because Fender has chosen to only focus on the blackface ‘65 Twin/Super/Deluxe/Princeton Reverbs, ‘59 Bassman and 5e3 Deluxe for the past 30 years or so.

I don’t know why Fender has neglected all of their other amp history for so long
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I played a TM Deluxe Reverb last week. My experience with the TM stuff is: (1) I played a Princeton one time. It seemed really bright, but it was also in an old shop with hard floors, hard bare walls, really bright space and it was up and pointing straight at my ear. I also didn't take the time to figure out where the power scaling should be to let me get it past "totally clean". (2). Positive experience playing through a TM Deluxe, but might have been because I was REALLY jazzed about the guitars I was playing through it. (3). last week, in a GC with decent but not "WHOA I LOVE WHAT THIS THING IS DOING!" guitars and it just sounded like so much meh.

There’s nothing that will ever convince me these amps are worth more than a Spider VI or a Boss Katana or a L6 Catalyst. It a a digital preamp with a solid state power amp and for some reason “classic” cabinet wrapping is worth $900? GTFO.
Has Fender ever updated these? I assume their modeling has improved since these launched 5 years ago. Would be cool if they were improving these over time, even if in small increments.
Has Fender ever updated these? I assume their modeling has improved since these launched 5 years ago. Would be cool if they were improving these over time, even if in small increments.
Not really -- there was a SLIGHT tweak related to reverb or something between the black and blonde version of the TM Deluxe, and you could do the update to an old one via firmware, but not like "check out what we've done with the cathodyne pigtail B+ rail interaction!"

Not really -- there was a SLIGHT tweak related to reverb or something between the black and blonde version of the TM Deluxe, and you could do the update to an old one via firmware, but not like "check out what we've done with the cathodyne pigtail B+ rail interaction!"

Cliff would be on phase inverter improvement 7.3 by now. :ROFLMAO:
Is it weird that ever since Cliff shared all his graphs of the TMP and also the stuff like the power amp is just a simple wave shaper…I’m completely uninterested in anything “tone master” related. Especially if, I thought in a baseman type circuit, the first things to distort are the power section.

Another odd thing, I thought the reasoning for not having an effects loop in the Twin version was because it would add latency, and not be true to a normal Twin. But now they add it here?

I don’t think a loop makes any sense on a twin. They aren’t really known for their breakup sounds and I’ve never seen anyone push a blackface twin to all out distortion where a loop would be helpful. Tweed bassmans on the other hand are known for their drive tones, a loop makes sense.

I don’t think a loop makes any sense on a twin. They aren’t really known for their breakup sounds and I’ve never seen anyone push a blackface twin to all out distortion where a loop would be helpful. Tweed bassmans on the other hand are known for their drive tones, a loop makes sense.

Imho, a loop always makes sense, since it allows you to plug right into the back (😁).