Ok, time to solve this problem

Although the FR-12 isn't flat with the EQ knobs at noon, it does sound great that way. But if you want it to be flatter you can set the knobs for that.

Stock FR-12 settings for flat-ish.

Liam's V2 with settings for flat-ish.
Saw those graphs, very well done for sure,But yeah the FR is designed more as a guitar cab than a "FRFR" as can tell by the settings it is a darker voiced cab
which i would agree most will prefer a Guitar centric voiced cabinet
Does the Angel Mod flaten things up more ? or is only a noise cut ?
I’m not looking for true pure "FRFR", I’m looking for something that sounds more… “natural”… in the room for electric guitar.

I hate to use the term but I guess I’m looking for something closer to “Amp where I'm at”.

So the Fender not being true "FRFR" doesn’t bother me. I’m just interested in how it sounds for electric guitar.

Also I know none of the solutions are perfect. I’m not looking for perfection here, just something that is going to be an improvement to what I’m doing now
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Also, for some context, what I’m using now is a cheap Alto TX210 so the bar is low :rofl

That thing has a weird midrange, so little high end that the 8k and 16k sliders on my EQ barely make an audible difference, and so much low end that cutting everything below 100db by -12db still leaves it sounding huge and boomy
Also, for some context, what I’m using now is a cheap Alto TX210 so the bar is low :rofl

That thing has a weird midrange, so little high end that the 8k and 16k sliders on my EQ barely make an audible difference, and so much low end that cutting everything below 100db by -12db still leaves it sounding huge and boomy
Yes its the Norm for those although on poles you can eliminate some of that boomines

Have you looked at the EV offerings, they are wedges but not made of cheap plastic either and for me i just love Coaxial speakers

Electro-Voice PXM-12MP Powered Coaxial Monitor


One Caveat you may not like though is the onboard DSP with tetrahedron's n'shit

Okay well IDGAF.
Then what's the point of linking the graphs?
He knows how to make a preamp sound great.
Do you think that represents a challenge to someone with EE chops?

FYI, his main brag is the ability to design low-noise preamps. While that does require some technical expertise, it's not as if there aren't thousands of other engineers who can do likewise, if assigned that as a task.
From what I hear the Hiss is well exaggerated yes its there, strum a few chords and presto it gone lol
If that was the case then why did Fender fix it and why are they offering a fix to customers that are affected? That's not cheap...
I’m not looking for true pure ""FRFR"", I’m looking for something that sounds more… “natural”… in the room for electric guitar.

I hate to use the term but I guess I’m looking for something closer to “Amp where I'm at”.

So the Fender not being true ""FRFR"" doesn’t bother me. I’m just interested in how it sounds for electric guitar.

Also I know none of the solutions are perfect. I’m not looking for perfection here, just something that is going to be an improvement to what I’m doing now
It’s kind of funny that with all of the many complaints about modelers through "FRFR" speakers missing the ‘amp in the room’ sound, out come the fender FR cabs which are clearly designed for electric guitar specifically to recreate some of that app in the room sound, and then people complain that they’re not "FRFR" enough. Well duh, if true "FRFR" was most ideal, then people wouldn’t be complaining about the sound of their modelers through studio monitors not being amp in the room enough.
Yes its the Norm for those although on poles you can eliminate some of that boomines

Have you looked at the EV offerings, they are wedges but not made of cheap plastic either and for me i just love Coaxial speakers

Electro-Voice PXM-12MP Powered Coaxial Monitor​

View attachment 25658

One Caveat you may not like though is the onboard DSP with tetrahedron's n'shit


I tried this side by side with the Yamaha DHR12M. They both sounded about the same (both excellent) but the Yamaha was a bit cheaper and lacked the EV's bells and whistles that I didn't want anyway. I was so enamored with the Yamaha that I bought 4 of them.

Again, if you haven't tried coaxial monitors, you haven't tried good "FRFR". I predict trying either one of them will make you reevaluate this whole situation.
I don’t think people like how the fender FRs sound because they say fender on them. I think they like how they sound because they are constructed like a guitar speaker cabinet, and they respond more like one than a plastic PA speaker.
Have you not noticed that lots of PA speakers and wedges aren't plastic?
I play guitar synth through mine every time I gig it. It sounds great.
Which is why I'm betting its like any other "FRFR" and people are going full Koolaid because it says "fender" on it. Its like when all the whackaloons went crazy over a TheSycon.de interface that had "SSL" printed on the faceplate
Actually, it didn’t sound awful at all, it sounded great with every IR I ran into it, and can be made to be relatively flat via the tone knobs. Plenty of people agree, overwhelmingly positive reviews.
Then at best, any supposed magical uniqueeeness is just God of the Gaps claims
Also, for some context, what I’m using now is a cheap Alto TX210 so the bar is low :rofl

That thing has a weird midrange, so little high end that the 8k and 16k sliders on my EQ barely make an audible difference, and so much low end that cutting everything below 100db by -12db still leaves it sounding huge and boomy
Meanwhile the TS version of that speaker is thoroughly awesome, aside from that it isn't coax. I have TS210, TS310 and TS410, alongside both variations of Celestions cabinets for the FX12 series speakers (both the wedge and the square box), Celstion FX12s in Fender Mustang amps thru the FX loop, Turbosounds, borrow an Atomic sometimes, L6 powercab, QSC and Yamahas and I'm sure a few I'm forgetting. For guitar they're all pretty kickass. For playing bass, it seems like the heavier backbreaking speakers seem to let you get woofier, especially the turbosound and the QSC
Which is why I'm betting its like any other ""FRFR"" and people are going full Koolaid because it says "fender" on it. Its like when all the whackaloons went crazy over a TheSycon.de interface that had "SSL" printed on the faceplate
Speaking for myself; I like the Mustang GT as a cheap powered monitor. This is sort of an advancement of that thought process. If anything; the fact that it says Fender and looks like a combo amp I would never in a billion years aesthetically gravitate towards means I would normally keep far away from it.
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