Cables that don't tangle


Rock Star
Anyone got advice for instrument cables that don't tangle?

My current cable (Planet Waves) has gotten to the point it gets tangled up with everything else basically 2-3 times a day and it's driving me nuts.

I almost want to buy a wireless just to avoid the issue but that seems dumb considering I'm never more than five feet from my gear.
I bought a couple of these a long while back and have been very pleased. First cables Ive had that dont get tangled up

I use the same cables. Work as expected and the braided cover keeps the cable from binding with itself or other cables without a braided cover.
I must spin in circles when I am playing. :idk I have never noticed myself spinning in circles
when I am playing. No one has ever commented to me about me spinning in circles when
I am playing. These cables don't tangle themselves in knots, though. :LOL:
Mogami 3368 is so chunky that I haven’t had it tangle like other cables do. I guess it depends on the length you are using though
Wireless at the desk is way overkill but I highly recommend it. It is so convenient and especially helpful if you’re having to shuffle around with different gear while the guitar is in your hands etc. I already had the Line 6 G10 but there are quite a few good cheaper options now too.