Sure. Imo it does that very good. You even have one more slot to fill there….
You must know why you are adding certain blocks. The question is why you use the blocks you use. Why are you tweaking with blocks? Personally I don’t feel this way, if something’s wrong it’s usually the amp/cab combination or the stock settings on the amp. They have improved this imo.
An EQ, sure they’re used for several reasons, and Pod Go has one we can use as EQ and also as a “Drive” block. Use the Cali EQ, put a Minotaur on the settings you like then try to match the Minotaur with the Cali EQ block. You can get pretty close, if you use an amp model that breaks up that is.
I disagree

I guess we all are different but I have the strong opinion that if you use a bunch of cut/eq/shelf/ blocks or whatever, something else is wrong and it’s mostly about the amp/cab/mic…. Ime. Don’t try to polish a turd. Poo is poo… it can’t be saved.
I think it was in the past. Over at tgp years ago, people were talking alot about using certain blocks to fix something… eq, shelfs, cuts, end of chain comp and all sorts of things. Things are definitely better. But much also comes down to what speakers/headphones people use. That’s a very strong factor right there.
Definitely works, it’s a great unit and should be all I need as a home player. It basically solves a lot of stuff that I need to add with a stomp. Expression, switches, better user interface and so on. I just need more freedom to place blocks in weird ways that’s only possible with HX units. Sometimes I need (no…. I want) a looper on a split path… one pre reverb and one post… weird s**t like: compressor->reverb->fuzz->delay->amp/cab->looper->reverb… stuff like that.
It’s a weird balance for me. Stomp has never let me down on what I want to do. Where it falls is about me going back and forth with scaling up or down the Stomp setup.