Boss GM-800 and GK-5

You're all a bunch of FARGIN BASTAGES!!!!!!!

I can't remember if Piscopo adds to that at all or if it's the usual case of ealry Keaton being really underrated on the comedic side of things despite being hilarious in those types of film roles.

If any of you haven't seen Night Shift; do it now.
Love Keaton. Night Shift, Mr Mom. I even liked Multiplicity and Gung Ho.
I can't remember if Piscopo adds to that at all or if it's the usual case of ealry Keaton being really underrated on the comedic side of things despite being hilarious in those types of film roles.

If any of you haven't seen Night Shift; do it now.
Night Shift is good. He was good in The Dream Team, if you haven't seen that one. It's basically an expansion on the "field trip" scene from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, but it's not bad.
Night Shift is good. He was good in The Dream Team, if you haven't seen that one. It's basically an expansion on the "field trip" scene from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, but it's not bad.
Ooooh I forgot about that one! That is a good one iirc!
Okay, to pull this back from '80s comedies to 2020 guitar synths, my impatience over restock times and shipping delays resulted in the arrival of two GK-5s within a couple days of each other. I'm heading to the beach next week, so my plan was to drop off one of them and my Les Paul at the tech's to install the GK-5 and check the setup on the guitar. I probably could do it myself, but if I'm having to adjust bridge height, I'd just as soon get a pro to make sure the setup isn't effected.

But now I'm wondering whether to send one of the GK-5s back or put it on my Taylor T5z-12. I don't currently play any synth parts through that, but there are a couple of songs that could benefit in places from an additional string or synth pad — maybe even the organ part on Against the Wind if it doesn't sound too crazy with the strumming for the acoustic guitar part. I'm a little nervous about using the double-sided tape on the Taylor, but I definitely prefer that to screw holes, since I'm not positive this is something I'll keep on it. How's the experience been with double-sided tape? My T5z is a really dark mahogany.

Finally, are there any resources out there yet for patch-sharing, like Line 6's CustomTone, or advice for crafting new sounds. I'm trying to replicate some things I got using the Korg iM1 on my iPad, and am a little stuck about how to start.
Finally, are there any resources out there yet for patch-sharing, like Line 6's CustomTone, or advice for crafting new sounds. I'm trying to replicate some things I got using the Korg iM1 on my iPad, and am a little stuck about how to start.
Funny sidebar I saw on the GM FB group.

Someone with a list of 10/15 cover song sounds for various synth and other synth-like/adjacent instrument tones. Steve replies with "do it by ear" :rofl

I know there are people in the VGuitar community who want this to do an endless stream of esoteric solo albums. I think that's really cool. But I also get the distinct vibe that the (perhaps lack of) "do it yourself keyboard player" mentality of the average cover band guy trying to play way more instruments than he should be is going to get the usual treatment of "why would you buy a pedal that makes trombone sounds and not be interested in making an all trombone album?" versus the more realistic thought process of "gee; no one plays the keyboards and I might need this for the In A Gadda Da Vida organ part I wish I knew of some place where I could get ready made presets for that?"

All that to say if someone had time, knew their keyboard stuff and wanted to make a few bones selling presets; I am betting they could. If people can't dial in AC/DC sounds without paying someone $19.95; they sure as h#ll won't be able to dial in the arpeggiator sequence of Rio from scratch :wat
I've been interested in synths for years, even though my keyboard skills are pretty basic (can I invert triads? yes, I can; can I play scales? no, I cannot — unless it's C major). I even subscribed to Keyboard magazine for years when I was younger.

But I have very little experience dialing in synth sounds of any kind, mostly just using the presets on the Korg M1r I had back in the day. I got a little more adventurous with the iM1 since it's easier to edit. I came up with a cool patch for a song for church band that was mostly strings and soft horns but adds in bright brass for the big finale if I strummed harder. I came up with a cool windy sound and nailed the iconic delay synth sound for Fly Like an Eagle. I haven't had time to look for the delay synth sound, but I suspect it's in one of the presets if I look, or pretty close. But I've been having trouble replicating the wind patch for that.

Anyway, looking forward to really digging in when I have a little more time. We're coming off a stretch of gigs every weekend and will have a couple of weeks break where I might be able to get the work done to incorporate the GM-800 into my rig.
Night Shift is good. He was good in The Dream Team, if you haven't seen that one. It's basically an expansion on the "field trip" scene from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, but it's not bad.
I've been trying to remember the name of that flick for decades! I had it in my head that Henry Winkler played the role, which obviously made it very difficult to look up LOL. I always remember a scene where someone rhetorically asks Keaton, "What's wrong with you??" and Keaton flatly replies with one of his diagnoses. :rofl If I recall correctly, he says, "They call it a 'low tolerance for frustration.'" Which is of course a very useful quote LOL.

P.S. Well, now I'm watching the trailer (and considering the release date), and I'm not 100% convinced this is the same movie. Maybe there is another long-lost Henry Winkler movie, after all? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

P.P.S. Yep. I think my brain is smashing bits of The Dream Team (1989) together with bits of Heroes (1977). Not sure which of these included the preceding quote.
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Oh wow just found something new for the gm-800 that I didn't know was there. When loading up tones via usb stick, there's 2 windows (left window and right window) on the loading screen and right window is the new tones and left tones are the ones that's being replaced by the right. I was hoping one day boss would make an option to LOAD ALL so you don't have to click each tone on the right. Well I found out if you hold down one of the two right knobs under the right side of the screen for like 2 seconds, it'll put check mark by each one! However they didn't do that for the left side which I think should be done, but still that saves some time knowing this now!
Man loving the gm-800. Playing a tone i got out of zenology pro pack and put on my usb stick into gm-800. If you play light it's a piano, but if you hit the strings harder it turns into brass. I don't believe any other boss / roland synth did this at all, so that's another cool factor!