Boss GM-800 and GK-5

I suspect that it will not take long until we can have the PCB's and specs for DIY converters, both 13-Pin to A2B, and A2B to 13-pin. These Boss boxes are too expensive.

I could see someone coming out with something with more ins/outs, switching, etc. but I seriously doubt there will be simple 3rd party converters that are any cheaper. The market is just too small to bother building something Boss is currently selling.
My missive was apprehended for a while in some spacetime buffer, and other invasive data arrived before it was broadcasted :rofl
Star Trek Glitch GIF by Reconnecting Roots
A2B sounds awesome.

Perfectly suited for the next Variax. Thing is, I think the next Variax belongs in a pedal or breakout box -- now that A2B means you can pull all the audio (and MIDI) off the guitar separately.

In fact, 32 channels is enough to separately carry the audio for each string for each "pickup". You can route all that to a box at your feet, used across all your guitars. Knobs and switches can also be carried on the same 1/4" cable and processed in that same box. You'll never need to rewire your guitar again, just reconfigure things in the box.

I've been day-dreaming about just such a rig for way too long. I'm ready for it to arrive.
I was thinking about this sort of thing once I saw that Boss chose a standard format for the I/O that includes audio and MIDI. Antares tried with 13-pin but I think it was just too little too late.
Wow so Alex Hutchings has had this machine and accessories for awhile now! This was a comment on his youtube video where someone wanted to know some info on gk and converter box etc..

"I here by confirm that I have used the converter box for the last 8 months and used it to program many of the presets and I can happily confirm it works very well indeed. The volume and S1/S2 button work as you would expect and it tracks extremely well. I hope that helps."

He also claims in another comment "The sound engine in the GM-800 is infinitely better than the GR-55"
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I wonder how ”in the box” compares to MIDI conversion on this one. On the GR-55, and even the 30/33, the in the box tracking was quite good. It wasn’t until you went to trigger outside stuff that it somewhat fell apart.

Also, it’s good to hear that the tones are better this time; I always felt that the 33 sounded better than the 55 did.
I wonder how ”in the box” compares to MIDI conversion on this one. On the GR-55, and even the 30/33, the in the box tracking was quite good. It wasn’t until you went to trigger outside stuff that it somewhat fell apart.

Also, it’s good to hear that the tones are better this time; I always felt that the 33 sounded better than the 55 did.

I think the gr-33 was better for normal flute, sax, oboe type sounds, however GR-55 was great machine to make ambient stuff with like i did in my video here

Trying to think on the scenario on how I'm going to use GM-800 and SY-1000 together.

I think I like the idea of running the outputs of the GM-800 into the SEND / RETURN on the SY-1000 where I could move the GM-800 around on any of the paths. Then the outs of the SY-1000 into my line 6 helix fx loop. For normal guitar sounds, I have line 6 g10 wireless hooked to my line 6 helix if needed or use the guitar / acoustic stuff in the sy-1000 if needed etc.
Trying to think on the scenario on how I'm going to use GM-800 and SY-1000 together.

I think I like the idea of running the outputs of the GM-800 into the SEND / RETURN on the SY-1000 where I could move the GM-800 around on any of the paths. Then the outs of the SY-1000 into my line 6 helix fx loop. For normal guitar sounds, I have line 6 g10 wireless hooked to my line 6 helix if needed or use the guitar / acoustic stuff in the sy-1000 if needed etc.
The GM-800 running into the SY-1000 return is how I'd figured to setup the audio path.
Anyone try the Jamstik Classic guitar? I just fired up my TriplePlay and not loving the glitchfest. Wondering if the GM800 is going to be much better…
Worried since some people sat FTP is better than previous Boss 13 pin stuff.

Maybe I’ll reinstall the FTP on a better host to ensure I’m getting most out of it.
Good! I’ve never been so happy to know I was wrong.
We are talking about triggering midi not just a lack of trumpets ….right?
I love the idea of wireless. Lack of dedicated hardware (beyond the "official footswitch") just made sure it's not going to be my jam. I know there are some huge fans of it for DAW uses certainly.
Even for DAW use, I found it to be a pain in the dick.
I have developed a ton of hardline opinions in this gear that I can only really say rings true for myself. FTP, JO. The SY series, GP, GR33 and EHX stuff. I have yet to shake the 55 for live work.

Of course, at this very moment I can't seem to locate my pedalboard from last night :oops: :facepalm:roflI only had 3 drinks!

So we'll see the immediate future brings :nails
So wondering something here... So if im going to have the new gk-5 pickup and serial cable going into the new gm-800, then gm-800 going into the converter box, and then 13-pin cable from converter box going into sy-1000.... What would we set our IN / OUT settings for the GK pickup in the sy-1000 system menu... They don't have option for gk-5 and i doubt they'll be giving us an update to add that to the options in sy-1000 or any other older units, so would we just leave it at gk-3?