Boss GM-800 and GK-5

For me; the FOMO of GK5 improvement over the 3 (if there really is any), added latency if I did add a converter instead and board downsize capabilities will mean if I go the GM route; I would go all in. I need to dig into that parameter list and see about reverse mounting so I could avoid drilling my haphazard holes in my guitars :oops::rofl
If the new GK had the regular guitar signal, it would need a more sophisticated cable. You wouldn’t necessarily want your normal guitar output converted to digital if you use things like fuzz pedals. So you need to send an analog signal along with the digital. The cable would need to have 5 wires and appropriate shielding.
Two cables or a wireless transmitter that doesn't get you wireless, then. Oops.

Yeah, it looks like the only way if you need standard guitar sounds.

That seems weird to me since I would assume most guitarists are not only using synth sounds for their live work…

I think someone said upstream you can reverse mount it and the editor reflects that thought. Which is good. On to the sound list. I am registered on Roland cloud but digging through sounds isn't exactly intuitive or fun. TBC...
...I need to dig into that parameter list and see about reverse mounting so I could avoid drilling my haphazard holes in my guitars :oops::rofl
Install the editor, in the setup section for the GK5 there is a drawing etc about 'reversing' the pickup. I'm assuming that is confirmation it is carried forward into this generation.
This how I'm setting up my GM-800/SY-1000 rig

GK-3 13 pin cable > splitter (US-20) split to:

A Split: 13 pin GKC-AD in > GM-800 via 1/4' TRS
B Split: SY-1000

This way allows for guitar audio via 13 pin cable to SY-1000 and also to another external amp/fx if desired.

I'm 99% sure the cable is standard 110 ohm aes/ebu digital audio twisted pair braided cable with TRS 1/4" ends. You can make these cheaply with basic soldering skills. You don't need to buy the official cables.
I bet it will be possible to have wireless adapters for the new GK. It’s already digital so the only issue is bandwidth - it comes down to the bitrate for the stream.
Sure, just using off the shelf products, you could probably do it with 2 Boss WL's, for instance. But you'd still need a third wireless for your guitar's output, as I understand it.

I wish they'd found the bandwidth to get a 1/4" input on the GK5 and compress guitar audio into the rest of the TRS stream. GK6 maybe?
@TJontheRoad I know the SY had a number of limitations from your real synthesizer centric POV (filter ranges/configuration capabilities iirc?). Does the GM address those concerns to where you could use it for SY1000 style duties?
If the new GK had the regular guitar signal, it would need a more sophisticated cable. You wouldn’t necessarily want your normal guitar output converted to digital if you use things like fuzz pedals. So you need to send an analog signal along with the digital. The cable would need to have 5 wires and appropriate shielding.
4 wires could do I think, they could've made it TRRS or XLR4. But then again the GK-5 dongle would have to be twice as big, so tradeoffs.
Y’all crazy. (In the best possible way) I don’t care about guitar tones from this thing, and my interest is in sitting it on a desk and going direct to my interface. I’m just waiting for a couple of you savages to confirm that it A) tracks well and B) sounds good (For normal pukes, not that Boss synth lord that’s been doing their demos to great effect)

We need Leon’s demo to help start guiding the way. :ROFLMAO:
Just get a nice Synth Workstation and play some actual Keys already! :hmm

Why do guitarists have to make everything so complicated and
convoluted all the time. :brick


'cause guitar is the ergonomically the better instrument. :rawk
Well maybe not!
shredding music and Klingon enemies with style…
@TJontheRoad I know the SY had a number of limitations from your real synthesizer centric POV (filter ranges/configuration capabilities iirc?). Does the GM address those concerns to where you could use it for SY1000 style duties?

Yes, for the most part it would seem (without actually using it). I own/owned other Zenology gear (Fantom, AE-30, MC-707). I know the tech behind it pretty well. GM-800 works great for me because I do have the Fantom synth to create new sounds for it and port them over without using Roland Cloud. Zenology is a very good synth engine. It sounds digital in a good way. It does a good job at nearly replicating Roland's classic synths. Purest will disagree with me here. The hot chicks on the dance floor won't. I have my allegiances and priorities strait ya' know ;) Still, it ain't gonna sound like a Sequential or Moog or Oberheim or whatever other analog synth brand you desire.

The SY-1000 synths IMO are best used as their own class of sounds. They don't really replicate well anything most cover bands want. In that context, it's still a great box and will complement the GM-800 well with the amp models, guitar models, and alt turnings.

I'm most excited about the GM-800 because it'll allow me create a small and light combo guitar and keys rig. GM-800 + SY-1000 + Arturia Keylab 49 controller + a monitor and GK-3 equipped guitar can cover a ton of ground and not break my back every time I use it.
Novelty is forever the Great Seductress. :rofl

Playing keys (barely proficient) has taught me things about music I would have never learnt on guitar, and it is easier,
and you can do way more, and that is the way God intended things to be you infidels. :LOL:

Enjoy! :beer