What Did You Do With Your Guitar(s) Today?

I have never broken a string like that. 9 times out of 10 it is at the saddle.

Kind of lucky now, because I break strings less than I ever have. :idk
I've been more of a NYXL/Elixir user never any issues went with EB cause had a nice gauge of 8.5 -40
got a good deal on 3 pack, once they done going back to NYXL 9-40
I've been more of a NYXL/Elixir user never any issues went with EB cause had a nice gauge of 8.5 -40
got a good deal on 3 pack, once they done going back to NYXL 9-40
Well yeah, you pay more for a stronger string, it'll tend to last longer. Brand not withstanding.
I think back in May, my EBMM Sabre's volume/boost push-push pot got progressively scratchy and scratchier - cleaner and compressed air did nothing.

So today I replaced that Wh*re. Whew! Have had the part for 2 or 3 weeks, but I was a bit skeered. Probably more than a bit.

Worked first time, but it was "fun". The pot is mounted on a pcb that sits sideways and is attached to (and passes through) the board holding the tone pot.

Nice to have the volume knob back, these pu's still blow me away.

Before shot, in its full daunting glory:

The bad part, desoldered - thankfully only had 6 wires to redo but had to cut and re-tin each:
What did i do today you may ask ? I changed a shitty Ernie ball string, High E Snapped in half at the 9th fret
During the short time I tried Ernie Ball strings, I broke more strings than I have during my whole 30+ years of playing. It’s very rare that I break a D’Addario, and it’s usually while bending over 1-1/2 steps.
I picked up this new Ibanez as a daily beater type guitar at a nice price. Plays and feels nice, no sharp frets. Brought it home, wifey loved it, gave it to wifey, wifey gives me the Mitchell. I then proceeded to do thorough service on the Mitchell cause it’s for me 🤡

Today I pulled my lowly “Gibson inspired” Epi 335 out of the guitar closet. I’ve played it maybe a dozen times over the year or 2 I’ve owned it and wanted to reality check it.

I always felt it was a surprisingly high quality instrument given the $450 it cost me new at the time, but I hadn’t really connected with the 335 form factor for some reason. It’s like the ultimate in comfort for a couch guitar, but hasn’t seen much love because I’m so frequently in tele or LP land.

I plugged it into my 2204 today and JC on a pogo stick, this thing RIPS. I think my issue might have been that I was struggling to apply it to the stuff I like to play, but I’m finding magic just treating it like I would a LP or SG. I’m getting massive crunch tones through the 2204. Killer combo.