What Did You Do With Your Guitar(s) Today?

Oh, this was my 4th time. 3 times at my house and 1 at the MIL's house.
They'll feel the wrath later tonight... I'll have to drown them.

I did mention the mower was powered by gasoline, right?

I did mention the mower was powered by gasoline, right?

That's how I killed them the first time but it's been so dry out my luck I'd catch the woods on fire lol.
Water works well. Just wait till the sun goes down and the bees go dormant, stick a cinder block over some fine screening, then drop a hose on top. Let it run about 5 minutes. done
That's how I killed them the first time but it's been so dry out my luck I'd catch the woods on fire lol.
Water works well. Just wait till the sun goes down and the bees go dormant, stick a cinder block over some fine screening, then drop a hose on top. Let it run about 5 minutes. done
I'd do that, but drown them in my piss! Make the bastards suffer.
I just poured a bit of gas down the hole and then gave that new warp drive another spin.
Funny, the grass died and never came back over an area about a foot in diameter.
The house stayed in the family many years after she died and that little area never got
past straw yellow.

Dabbled a bit playing the runt 20, had some chores around the house. Was just outside mowing the backyard and ran over a friggin ground hornet/wasp's nest, damnit. Those little aholes are relentless too, stung my legs about 6 times. Luckily I knew what was happening so ran around the house as fast as I could, but those bastards will chase you too.:cuss:hmm

Damn! Did you get any video, Forrest??

forrest GIF

6 is a lot. Hope you are doing ok. :beer
Man, I had no idea there were such vengeful folks up in here. :pitchforks


Please remind me to never piss you guys off. :lol

I make a deal with all the stinging creatures to not fuck with them
and their nests. For the most part they seem to leave me alone.
Except the one time working on a deck I was building one Summer
and took another bite of my PB&J as I worked. I felt that one. :bonk
Man, I had no idea there were such vengeful folks up in here. :pitchforks


Please remind me to never piss you guys off. :lol

I make a deal with all the stinging creatures to not fuck with them
and their nests. For the most part they seem to leave me alone.
Except the one time working on a deck I was building one Summer
and took another bite of my PB&J as I worked. I felt that one. :bonk
Dude, the bees are mofo's down here in GA, bleeb dat.

Little teeny yellow jackets are meaner than hell, you can't imagine if you haven't lived around them. Yellow jackets in MD were little pussy bees.

These GA bees demand quick judicious violence. :pitchforks
Dude, the bees are mofo's down here in GA, bleeb dat.

Little teeny yellow jackets are meaner than hell, you can't imagine if you haven't lived around them. Yellow jackets in MD were little pussy bees.

These GA bees demand quick judicious violence. :pitchforks
Yes, these were yellow jackets, I always forget and call them ground hornets for some reason? For their size they do pack a pretty big punch.
I don't want to have to kill them, but some things must be done. :grin
Yes, these were yellow jackets, I always forget and call them ground hornets for some reason? For their size they do pack a pretty big punch.
I don't want to have to kill them, but some things must be done. :grin
100%, they go out of their way to sting for the least little provocation - and I mean NO provocation. Just the fact that you exist is an abomination to these little bastards.

They're probably about 1/2 the size of MD yellow jackets yet about 20 times as mean? More?
Discovered a nest st my own house. My own fault really… had some plant pots along my patio I had to remove because a contractor was coming to do all my concrete including a slab to replace the pavers I had for a patio. Two were plastic. No problem. Third was a wooden crate. Started falling apart. No big deal… reached in with gloves to pull out some of the dirt… whole nest came after me. Got stung about 10 times. Discovered I’m not allergic to wasp stings at least. Came back later with some bug spray and soaked down the crate from the outside. Let it sit for a while. Used a shovel to lift it later and found two larva combs and the queen. Smashed that bitch with the shovel and doused the combs in bug spray. Chemical warfare. Fuck those things. I hate yellowjackets.