What Did You Do With Your Guitar(s) Today?

I've been adjusting the height of the Harmonic Design Z90 on the neck up and down, and then I realized that the bridge pup was selected.
WTF????!!!! I swear that I was hearing differences :wat :facepalm
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I've been adjusting the height of the Harmonic Design Z90 on the neck up and down, and then I realized that the bridge pup was selected.
WTF????!!!! I swear that I was hearing differences :wat :facepalm
View attachment 26124
You probably were hearing a slight difference from the neck pickup's proximity changing in relation to the strings. Magnets and coils have an effect even when not selected.
I've been adjusting the height of the Harmonic Design Z90 on the neck up and down, and then I realized that the bridge pup was selected.
WTF????!!!! I swear that I was hearing differences :wat :facepalm
View attachment 26125

I have repeated the experiment with a clearer mind, and there are differences, indeed. Caused by the pickup proximity. That explains why I preferred the lower adjustment. These P90 magnets are strong.

I am not that senile yet, only slow thinking :rofl
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It's an interesting thing we don't often take into consideration. Single bridge pickup guitars may sound a little clearer and snappier because of it?
Less stuff pulling on the strings in the areas where you pick. There is also less wood routed out for putting in pickups, wiring tunnels, etc. The neck (assuming it is either set or bolt on) has more to connect with and transfer vibrations (in theory, anyways).
Less stuff pulling on the strings in the areas where you pick. There is also less wood routed out for putting in pickups, wiring tunnels, etc. The neck (assuming it is either set or bolt on) has more to connect with and transfer vibrations (in theory, anyways).
Yeah, definitely a cumulative effect. I know when I've tried LP Juniors there is something very different. The bodies feel more resonant and the tone is biting, yet full.
Just started messing around with the attenuation option on the captor. Mark IV doesn’t really sound that great at volumes appropriate for an apartment and the master volume knob taper is a joke but was able to get some nice tones using that. Still couldn’t get above one on the MV though :LOL:

Mark V does have a useful master volume but attenuating definitely process a much more satisfying experience at home through cabs :love
Dabbled a bit playing the runt 20, had some chores around the house. Was just outside mowing the backyard and ran over a friggin ground hornet/wasp's nest, damnit. Those little aholes are relentless too, stung my legs about 6 times. Luckily I knew what was happening so ran around the house as fast as I could, but those bastards will chase you too.:cuss:hmm
Dabbled a bit playing the runt 20, had some chores around the house. Was just outside mowing the backyard and ran over a friggin ground hornet/wasp's nest, damnit. Those little aholes are relentless too, stung my legs about 6 times. Luckily I knew what was happening so ran around the house as fast as I could, but those bastards will chase you too.:cuss:hmm
They want fresh meat thats why they chase you!
Was just outside mowing the backyard and ran over a friggin ground hornet/wasp's nest, damnit. Those little aholes are relentless too, stung my legs about 6 times. Luckily I knew what was happening so ran around the house as fast as I could, but those bastards will chase you too.:cuss:hmm


Was mowing my grandmas place with an old gas powered walker and stepped right on an underground nest.
Felt the ground under my foot give a bit and not a full second later I was getting swarmed.
Never friggin ran so fast in my life!

You now know! That extra warp that kicks in when you're getting repeatedly stung by the little fuckers!


Was mowing my grandmas place with an old gas powered walker and stepped right on an underground nest.
Felt the ground under my foot give a bit and not a full second later I was getting swarmed.
Never friggin ran so fast in my life!

You now know! That extra warp that kicks in when you're getting repeatedly stung by the little fuckers!

Oh, this was my 4th time. 3 times at my house and 1 at the MIL's house.
They'll feel the wrath later tonight... I'll have to drown them.

If He Dies He Dies Rocky Balboa GIF