Video Games

i don’t think it matters much wich character background you pair with any kind of playstyle. That’s personal RP kind of stuff. For example I did Nomad and went all in on a Netrunner build, very little guns if any wich contradicts the games whole atmosphere. RP wise I think Corpo fits a Netrunner build better.

I think specialist builds need to be very focused to reach the real fun stuff in the build. My next play will be Corpo with a focused slowmotion build using mono wire and blades.

So far I’ve done the Nomad and went 100% on it’s unique characters and ending options (I also did “cheat” and saved before a certain point so I could do a different ending for my lady Nomad and Johnny.

Next is Corpo. Then I think I’ll do a Tech/streetkid build going nuts on the power/tech weaponry.

This game need to played several times :bonk
The different careers seem to basically determine your starting point and some dialog options throughout the game. Real shame because it would be cool if they made more of a difference.

I went with a Corpo Netrunner build for my first (and so far only) playthrough and had a lot of fun trying to avoid combat as much as I could. For combat functionalities I put it in stuff that makes me really fast for movement so I can cut through enemies with blades and mono wire.

The game is still quite janky, and often feels like it could be so much more if they had several more years to pour into it. But if you treat it less as an immersive sim and more as an action game it's a lot of fun.

I hate the soundtrack through, most of the radio stations suck.