(UPDATED for new FW!) EVH amp vs Axe Fx, QC and TMP...

The FBE100 sounds killer to me though, check it out in the intro.

Not bad! That's quite crunchy.

I'd love to hear / read how Friedmans fare in the TMP, when compared to Helix/QC/Fractal or any other modelers in that price range.
The thing that is truly shocking about this is according to beta testers they began beta in 2020
How the heck do you go 3 yrs
And not know some of your models are inferior
I am guessing they had to have been compared to FAS NDSP
Line6 , how did anyone with industry ears let that go and not hear the gross difference we can hear in this thread in 2 mins

My theory is that someone in marketing or some business executive told them to make sure the non-Fender amps sound terrible to help drive sales of Fender amps
Man, the tone master pro sounded really bad in isolation. In the mix it was still noticeably the most different from the amp of the three, but with the isolated tracks it stands out like a sore thumb. Do not want.
Very good comparison.
The real amps sound more open and bigger to me, the fractal sounds very close in overall sound.
The QC has a slight mid hump that always seems to be present in the tones.
The Fender seems to have no mids and sounds very grainy.
supposedly Matt Bruck, Ed’s right-hand man, is the one who signed off on the EVH models after he was being very picky about them.

Didn't they say something like it took months to get him to sign off on them? I'm wondering if in the end he only effectively signed off on "just acceptable" rather than perfect.