UPDATE: EVH comparison #3! Fender TMP update... not what I was expecting!

I'm not doing a comparison again of those models unless someone happens to send me a stealth ;)
Youre Good Robert Deniro GIF
The Axe-FX was noticeably brighter than the real amp, but I'd bet that at tone match would have them sounding indistinguishable.
The Quad Cortex also sounded a bit brighter than the amp. The top end was a little harsh in isolation, but that was not apparent with the cymbals in the mix covering that region of the frequency spectrum.
The TMP model had a harsh top end, but again, this was negligible in the mix. The low end sounded a bit different from the loaded down amp as well, but the overall character of the tone was still pretty close.

In a blind shootout I'd have a hard time finding the real amp.

It will be interesting to see if the Fender reps dismiss your results this time. I mean, you weren't using the 100W Stealth version of the amplifier so there's no way the TMP and the amp could sound the same, right? If they don't dismiss these results then that is proof that they were full of it when making those claims before.
It will be interesting to see if the Fender reps dismiss your results this time. I mean, you weren't using the 100W Stealth version of the amplifier so there's no way the TMP and the amp could sound the same, right? If they don't dismiss these results then that is proof that they were full of it when making those claims before.

Honestly, I just hope everybody is pleased now! There's not much to complain about and Fender did their best, that's clear! Regarding the Stealth, as you can hear in the video, none of the "Stealth" models have any trouble mimicking the sound of my 50w EL34. I've said this before, but the red channels on all the EVHs can be dialed in to sound virtually identical.
Yeah sounds better, but I think the Fractal and QC were still closer to the real amp. Too bad none of them have quite the exact same model that you have.

I did not find the Fractal or QC to sound brighter though listening through my Genelecs. Both sounded very close to the real amp to my ears. The Fender sounded just marginally more muted to me but not bad by any means.
Yep that was much better showing for the TMP, it was close , the real amp as you said has a slightly different mids . most likely the color the El34s give it although it is 95% preamp based distortion and its the same preamp , so in that regard they should be able sounds similar .
they were all very good . Would be curious to to hear the EVH 5153 34 red in the Cortex as that is actually your amp albeit the 100watt , Also the Fractal with el34.
I noticed most here was just a slight upper mid missing from there models ,
but man its close you could easily use any one of those in a session

now question between the Fractal, NDSP and TMP did you notice a big difference in the feel and how it responded

Thanks for doing that
Yeah sounds better, but I think the Fractal and QC were still closer to the real amp. Too bad none of them have quite the exact same model that you have.

I did not find the Fractal or QC to sound brighter though listening through my Genelecs. Both sounded very close to the real amp to my ears. The Fender sounded just marginally more muted to me but not bad by any means.
Cortex has the EVH Gold 34 Stealth, Red channel (that's Gojira amp ) and the Stealth6l6
Yep that was much better showing for the TMP, it was close , the real amp as you said has a slightly different mids . most likely the color the El34s give it although it is 95% preamp based distortion and its the same preamp , so in that regard they should be able sounds similar .
they were all very good . Would be curious to to hear the EVH 5153 34 red in the Cortex as that is actually your amp albeit the 100watt , Also the Fractal with el34.
I noticed most here was just a slight upper mid missing from there models ,
but man its close you could easily use any one of those in a session

now question between the Fractal, NDSP and TMP did you notice a big difference in the feel and how it responded

Thanks for doing that

In terms of feel they all played great. Fractal tends to be a touch more "klangy" usually when I do these comparisons. TMP feels a little bit more saggy but still pretty great!
I did not find the Fractal or QC to sound brighter though listening through my Genelecs.

I was listening on Grado SR325i headphones with a Shiit Modi DAC / Magni amp. The Grados are super bright headphones and nowhere close to flat, so that might be a factor on my end.
Hmmmm .... gotta be fair about this ..... looks like Fender really are serious about getting the TMP equal / better than the rest ..... not yet there but these comparisons of the TMP to the QC and Axe and real amp are mega-sh%t-tons closer today that they were 8 months ago on release.

More and more varied amps ... along with more of whatever they have done to improve the tones = hopefully/probably a genuine alternative to the current big players in the hopefully not too distant future.

" Who would have thunk it " !

Great work Jon !

I tried to approach the comparison with as much of an open mind as I could manage. Of the 5153s, the harshness in the upper mids of the QC sounds to me like something you couldn't dial out. That would still be a deal breaker for me.

Good on Fender for turning a hairy piece of :poop: into a usable product.