Tonex Pedal....It's REAL

houston we have a problem!! if you dont have the real amp vs tonex captures how do you know if the tonex capture sound close to the amp?if you never own that amp before
It’s not about that it’s about tone if you like the tone that is coming out of the set up and that’s all that matters why do you have to worry about the input level?
I actually use ToneX more than I talk about on here believe it or not! TNBD has three new song demos and all of the guitars are ToneX, because it is just quick to get up and running!

(consider this more anti-Axe FX drivel from me lol)
My biggest gripe (and it's been discussed plenty here and no need to rehash) is the input gain and what to set it at for the "true" experience of a specific capture. Obviously you can just mess with it until it sounds good but alas.

Anyway, may have to check these out on the software
How come? You already have a Recto and a fast GPU.

Just skimmed through the DI tones for as long as I could stomach the white noise blasts. Overall, pretty good. Better than most of the 3rd party stuff I've tried. Still, a tall order for what they're charging IMO. I really hope the capture quality of ToneX is used as a benchmark for how Amplitube should sound. These sound like Rectifiers, whatever they did in Amplitube sounds nothing close to these.

This also makes me wish that IK's own models were done with amp DI's too. I think I largely don't like their own models because of the choice of cabs and mics used, and the amps would be salvageable with IR's. Capture software like this should have the ability to record the amp DI, and mic signal at the same time, and spit out a full rig, an amp DI, and an IR of the chain (all with metadata/linking etc). This is the kind of thing software can make dead simple for users, but as it stands users have to fudge around a lot.