Tonex Pedal....It's REAL

You are completely missing out on live players. Guess it's not what you do...
Nope just a basement dweller here 🙄

Anyway , I think we had this discussion before professional are not tweaking effects or amps in a live stadium gig
I have yet to see someone holding a note while bending over on a dark stage trying to tweak a delay time

Maybe experimental rock ?
Or like Morello for effects but 90% of people will not edit on a gig mid song
Anyway , I think we had this discussion before professional are not tweaking effects or amps in a live stadium gig
I have yet to see someone holding a note while bending over on a dark stage trying to tweak a delay time

So, you do as well think people do soundchecks and never adjust a single knob?
And you think all gigs are stadium shows?
And do you actually think lots of people playing stadium gigs will ever be using the onboard delay of the Tonex pedal?
And what would be your bet: In case I notice my delays are too loud during a gig, would I possibly bow down for some seconds and adjust the mix or would I rather leave it untouched because adjusting things isn't professional?