Tonex Pedal....It's REAL

Side note, can you just use the pedal with the iOS ToneX app? I’m assuming you don’t have to use the PC/MAC version to do preset loading or management. That may be the easiest way to interface with it.
I haven’t been replacing/overwriting the search term. Just deleting first, which triggers a search without hitting enter.

Pretty sure I’m on the latest version of the app, I downloaded it yesterday.
That's weird because for me you need to hit Enter for the search to apply. 1.1.2
That's weird because for me you need to hit Enter for the search to apply. 1.1.2

To initiate a user entered search yes, you have to hit enter after typing. But if you highlight the search and hit delete, it then auto searches again.
Meanwhile, somewhere along the way I guess I completely missed what these hour-long capture processes are all about. Can someone give a one-sentence explanation?

While that seems like it would make much better results than a one-minute process, having a/b’d so many indistinguishable profiles, I don’t see how it can be so much better. I get that if it’s more successful with certain amps that challenge the Kemper, that would be cool for high gain people. But if ToneX captures are still limited in terms of how changes are made after the fact vs component modeling, in similar ways to profiles, then isn’t it basically the same?
Advanced for me is about 20 minutes, half hour it seems? Juuuust long enough to notice but not long enough to be detrimental. It "isn't the same" in that it cost me $299 vs. whatever a Kemper or QC costs. For whatever that is worth or not worth to you. If it was at the same price point; I probably wouldn't futz with it because my gear pile is an embarrassment of riches as is :brick
Dude, IK has thrown down a major gauntlet. The cost versus value is unbelievable and hopefully it changes everything forever. I’m just curious about the technical thing going on.

*** and size!!!
This price point and the actual results are super impressive. If they were to go all in and do a full floor unit; they would need to do some serious software revamping for my tastes. Profiling stuff is this stupid fun rabbit hole (that doesn't end with any actual music being written/created necessarily but I digress) :rofl
Yeah I get the value part. I was curious about any extended functionality versus profiles or captures that may result from its way longer process. As a product, this is obviously a must-have. Since I'm still able to carry a powered lunchbox, and getting great results, jumping in to ToneX isn't urgent, but it sorta feels like it is.

I am on my 3rd capture using the HX Stomp and the Grid Slammer. I get good levels then, when I finish the training and go to compare the signals; the resulting capture is super low volume. I have no idea wtf I am going wrong. The app says my levels are too hot. The meters on the Axe-I/O are about 70% and not tickling the red at all.
Palm mute folks on the internet have always taken issue with the Kemper. Since it’s not music I care to hear or replicate I simply wish those folks better luck with other products. Regarding who believes what, as someone who spent many long days in studios where for instance Al Schmitt was the engineer, I’m confident in my discerning ear. I’ve never claimed that the internet palm mute folks were being precious (I say internet because plenty of notable muters are out on the road using KPAs just fine). If anything my bias was against their musical orientation altogether. But their experience of playing, of using gear, is just as valid as anyone’s and finding what works, well, everyone’s rooting for fellow forumites to find their nirvana(s) and mitigate their frustrations.

I’ve rarely seen photos of music rooms on these websites, much less venues, where some of the sounds implied by the graphs would be discernible to anyone. So it still comes down to just getting what you enjoy the most, or even more importantly, getting the thing that’s within your reasonable budget and making music with it.

The fact that there’s evidence that this software may be more accurate is great news for everyone. So far, I have not heard clips that render the other gear obsolete or that in anyway prove that these tones are objectively better.

The fact that ToneX is cheap and small and can be seamlessly integrated into a DAW is the revolution here. And it is a big deal.

I can hear the differences between real amps and the Kemper profiles.

You can't.

ner ner ner ner.
I am on my 3rd capture using the HX Stomp and the Grid Slammer. I get good levels then, when I finish the training and go to compare the signals; the resulting capture is super low volume. I have no idea wtf I am going wrong. The app says my levels are too hot. The meters on the Axe-I/O are about 70% and not tickling the red at all.
Dude, you have an FM9 and a Badlander, just play those mofos and forget this trendy ToneX beeyotch… :grin:headbang
I can hear the differences when they’re there. But I’ve only owned one Kemper, not six. I’ve never seen a picture of a music room or venue on these forums where the differences that are frustrating nitpickers would be audible. But again, for anyone who can’t move forward with a Kemper, there have always been great alternatives.
It’s okay.

You can still like your Kemper.

I can hear the differences when they’re there. But I’ve only owned one Kemper, not six. I’ve never seen a picture of a music room or venue on these forums where the differences that are frustrating nitpickers would be audible. But again, for anyone who can’t move forward with a Kemper, there have always been great alternatives.
I just don't care about the "the audience won't hear a difference" and "you'll never hear it in a mix" type arguments. If I can hear a difference, then that is enough, yknow?

I'm a professional audio engineer and these 2% differences across every vector of the recording chain, they matter to me. Add them all up, and it makes a difference to the final product.

And it's my job to care about that, so you and the other consumers don't have to.