Tonex Pedal....It's REAL

Or selling units based on promises that still haven't come to fruition. Albeit clunky, the Tone X pedal is everything that was advertised.

But that's for another rant thread lol

That and not posting “photographs” of your editor, I suppose. :D
I'm generally trying to complain about the product at hand. Sorry for the derail

... last post before I stfu for the night.

This is a way to capture your amp at a RIDICULOUS price. It is 1000% not a replacement for a full featured modeler/profiler. Obviously. I would certainly use it as a multi channel amp substitute with outboard effects without hesitation. Ease of use isn't there but it doesn't necessarily need to be for how I will ultimately want to use it. I think?
I lied about not replying again:bag

IRs sound quiet and small when imported and combined with presets. Not sure how the VIR stuff compares as I didn't futz with it.
I lied about not replying again:bag

IRs sound quiet and small when imported and combined with presets. Not sure how the VIR stuff compares as I didn't futz with it.
I have a similar issue with the plug-in version. I think someone mentioned that a Kyle Bull Tonex Pedal video has a solution towards the end. Some of the included cabs are decent.
I have a similar issue with the plug-in version. I think someone mentioned that a Kyle Bull Tonex Pedal video has a solution towards the end. Some of the included cabs are decent.

I noticed in the standalone app some profiles had this issue, others did not. Not sure what is up there, but its a thing for sure.
I'll have to dig up that vid. I watched it here a few days back.
I gassed for one of these for about 2 days when I saw they were available at IK. When I thought it through I realized it's not anything that could really do anything for me. I have watched a few vids now of people integrating it into HX units but I am beyond happy with HX amp models.

What I WOULD buy on day 1 is an Amplitube flagship floor processor. Especially if it were similar in size and architecture to a GX-100. That unit IMO is the perfect size for a floor processor.

For those who have AT5 Max, imagine being able to seamlessly use and control it with a floor unit and an editor. As I said, I do love my Helix LT but compared to AT5, it is a limited box. Yes I have set up my LT to control AT5 but there were workarounds that pi$$ed me off, and then there's the whole "have to bring a laptop or PC" thing to gigs. Nah. Tried it a few times and I'd rather just use the Helix for everything.
I gassed for one of these for about 2 days when I saw they were available at IK. When I thought it through I realized it's not anything that could really do anything for me. I have watched a few vids now of people integrating it into HX units but I am beyond happy with HX amp models.

What I WOULD buy on day 1 is an Amplitube flagship floor processor. Especially if it were similar in size and architecture to a GX-100. That unit IMO is the perfect size for a floor processor.

For those who have AT5 Max, imagine being able to seamlessly use and control it with a floor unit and an editor. As I said, I do love my Helix LT but compared to AT5, it is a limited box. Yes I have set up my LT to control AT5 but there were workarounds that pi$$ed me off, and then there's the whole "have to bring a laptop or PC" thing to gigs. Nah. Tried it a few times and I'd rather just use the Helix for everything.
Yeah, still on the fence here. The Tonex pc app is working fine here, once I figured it out. It's just a bit of a pain to swap 3 cables from my Kemper to my interface. Since I'm never playing anywhere but home, unless this thing truly makes my Kemper obsolete, it doesn't make any sense. But gas says it's only $299 for me, lol.
Amplitube flagship floor processor.

I don't think software models can be easily converted to DSP mainly because the software models are written with less constraints, but the other way around is much more straight forward, ie. Helix Native, every CPU has an FPU.
Also, software modelers running on modern PCs have no limits for the user interface, whether hardware modelers usually run on an ARM processor and a light weight Linux with limited memory.

TL;DR: I guessume IK doesn't have light weight models to run on low power DSP.
edit: IK models have all the bells and whistles of the modeled amps, definitely not light weight.
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I have watched a few vids now of people integrating it into HX units but I am beyond happy with HX amp models
I have to say, I set up a preset on my HX Stomp where I could switch between the ToneX capture of Joe Bonamassa's Dumble + a little compression and room reverb from the ToneX, and the Line 6 Litigator model (which I know *isn't* a Dumble model), with a little compression and room reverb from the Stomp, and I was really pleased with quite how well the Litigator stacked up even at default settings.

They didn't sound the same, but they were definitely in the same "postcode" and sounded close enough, and adding a little bass and sag to the Litigator got them closer.

There was just a little "something" about the note bloom of bass notes on the ToneX Dumble capture that was a little more pleasing to my ear, but it was such a minor thing, and when you consider that you can get more varied tones from a component modelled amp than you can out of a capture, it is a testament to just how good Line 6's modelling is.
There was just a little "something" about the note bloom of bass notes on the ToneX Dumble capture that was a little more pleasing to my ear, but it was such a minor thing, and when you consider that you can get more varied tones from a component modelled amp than you can out of a capture, it is a testament to just how good Line 6's modelling is.

Doesn't surprise me, tbh. Based on my experience with profiles/captures, the technology is incredible at replicating real-word amps+settings... but modelling has gotten so good as of lately that you don't need captures just to get very convincing amps tones anymore. And, despite the naysayers, Helix is up there with the best.

Having said that, i'm still kicking myself for not have bought a ToneX pedal last week when coupons were still working. At the very least, IK deserves support for releasing such a compelling product under $500.
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Doesn't surprise me, tbh. Based on my experience with profiles/captures, the technology is incredible at replicating real-word amps+settings... but modelling has gotten so good as of lately that you no longer need captures just to get very convincing amps tones anymore. And, despite the naysayers, Helix is up there with the best.
Agreed. I'm just happy to see more entries to the "just a compact amp/cab modeler" category.
I don’t agree. Tonex wants UAD wants Kemper wants Hx wants QT wants Axe wants everyone’s customers. … Each of these boxes is gunning for primary rig status. And since all these boxes can get it done .. and few musicians pro or not need more than a tiny fraction of the features on offer .. then no it’s not about prestige or functionality. ToneX pedal + app especially with an Hx Stomp is a serious alternative to everything out there. I mean the Stomp alone was already a viable alternative but this one brings the simple, easy tones of our chosen amps to a small board. I don’t need that rig at the moment, but it’s definitely meant to get the demographic of owners of full-featured devices who have been wanting something like this for a decade thinking about this new option.

The Kemper was easy to navigate from its front panel even during a show from the day I first owned one, in January 2013. It’s easier and quicker to work with the editor, but not required, and since it’s not already a companion plug-in, which is frustrating, the whole editor thing really isn’t the same kind of obstacle or solution as it is for some other devices. Oh, and Rig Manager has been cut and paste easy forever.

JT’s initial frustrations with this new app certainly give me pause. I don’t mind limitations, but unnecessary visual clutter and sluggish implementation get old fast.

You don’t agree that a ToneX pedal offers a different set of functionality than a Kemper or a QC? I can’t help you with that. :idk