Tonex Pedal....It's REAL

(and btw, don't necessarily believe a single word I'm saying, it's just collected information from various videos)
From all I know, you need to "finish" your preset in the app and can only then drag it into the device (I think John Cordy's video explains the process). There doesn't seem to be a straight editor mode as with other modelers yet.
I will need to dig his video up on this.
In other words: Remote-editing the hardware doesn't seem to be possible (yet?).
I think you are correct. I am not looking at this software in the correct manner.
I would think interface mode would feed the di into the software to audition and build presets.
Yeah not sure. That doesn't make sense for me but I am still digging.

I made it into the cab selection mode using the quick start guide. My IRs that are loaded in ToneX app aren't listed so I am assuming there is some magical, unspoken piece that needs done to get them onto the pedal.

All fair points, but I’m strictly talking about factory content on the ToneX pedal itself here, not user content (which is prone to be even more chaotic.)

As for editing QC names and tags, couldn’t you have done that more easily after the fact, using the cloud website?
I did edit the QC from the phone app after making the captures. Honestly not sure if you can even do it via the website.
My IRs that are loaded in ToneX app aren't listed so I am assuming there is some magical, unspoken piece that needs done to get them onto the pedal.

The app does two things:
- Hosting the software to work in standalone and plugin mode.
- Serving as a librarian.

It seemingly is *not* editing the hardware by any means. All you can do is to drag your finished presets over from the librarian side of things to the hardware side of things (look at Cordy's video).
This also results in your IRs only becoming available on the hardware once you bake them into a preset inside the app and then drag that preset to the hardware.

If you ask me, this is pretty lame (but see "UI terror").
The app does two things:
- Hosting the software to work in standalone and plugin mode.
- Serving as a librarian.

It seemingly is *not* editing the hardware by any means. All you can do is to drag your finished presets over from the librarian side of things to the hardware side of things (look at Cordy's video).
This also results in your IRs only becoming available on the hardware once you bake them into a preset inside the app and then drag that preset to the hardware.

If you ask me, this is pretty lame (but see "UI terror").
This appears to be exactly how it works.

1. So it looks like there is no direct audition option. Without drag and drop.

2. To create a preset in Tone-X; you can't call up a model and listen to it. You have to save it to your local library. Then overwrite it on the pedal.

3. You toggle between ToneNet "live" and "local" directories using the ToneNet button in the upper right hand corner. The path to your local library is not obvious right now. So importing a preset is still eluding me. I wonder if they had people beyond the developers try this software out?

Edited for it looks like you have to select an existing preset in your local library and overwrite it to import presets. I can't find anywhere to import presets cleanly into your local library without hosing an existing preset.
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I did edit the QC from the phone app after making the captures. Honestly not sure if you can even do it via the website.
I’m almost certain you can, but I’ll circle back and confirm.
I do think I've decided to go the HX Effects route instead of pairing with a stomp. But we will see how many times I change my mind before actually buying lol