Tonex Pedal....It's REAL

I haven't tried ToneX yet, but i played the X-Space Reverb once... and the reverbs on that thing were no slouch. If ToneX has the same algorithms, i reckon most user would be quite happy with them.
I’ll have to take a look again today, but I think when I fired up the software version when it first came out it was pretty basic. Maybe it’s expanded a bit since then.
I’ll have to take a look again today, but I think when I fired up the software version when it first came out it was pretty basic. Maybe it’s expanded a bit since then.

My guess would be that most of the CPU ressources would be used for the tone models, leaving very little room for better reverb algorithms.
My guess would be that most of the CPU ressources would be used for the tone models, leaving very little room for better reverb algorithms.
Honestly I barely clicked on the field because I have a couple of reverb plugins I’ve grown accustomed to in the DAW. I’m sure they’re fine within their ranges.

Though I’m unlikely to use them.
You’ve got to judge a device like this on how it sounds with its best content loaded, and on that basis it sounds killer. Completely insane for the $$$. However, there are plenty of “meh” tones interspersed with the good stuff, and the content doesn’t seem to be in any identifiable order. Which is problematic when you throw in cutesy lawsuit repellant naming and an 8 character display. :(

Content: dog’s breakfast
UI: Bad. Just bad. Could have been vastly improved with just a few moments additional thought, and probably no additional cost.
There's always a cost for development. Usually one of the more pricy parts!

IK has run into a similar problem the QC has, namely the data for figuring out what each model does is not that great. I tried looking through the ToneX sqlite database to see if there is anything more available than what the app shows and there really isn't. I think it would have been great for not only users but also creators to be able to add e.g different controls their gear has and how they are set. If the modeling improves in the future, they could refer to these to update their captures.

The second problem is getting users to input any meaningful data. Even with a freeform description box a lot of that stuff ends up not having relevant info about the capture. Considering you don't need to type in stuff rotating knobs letter by letter or tapping on a touchscreen, but can just use a keyboard, there is clearly no way around users messing things up unless forced to write down everything.

I don't know how well the Tonex capture process handles multiple captures and filling in their data, but if IK want it to work great then they should definitely consider how to set that up so it's fast to do because paid captures are going to compete with quality and part of that quality is having that data filled in.

When I made captures of my amps for the QC, I had to use my phone to type in all the descriptions in the Neural app using copy/paste and changing stuff for each capture. That was definitely a chore compared to having a good template you can fill in, or having the system remember the last stuff you typed in so you can alter it a bit for each capture. Ideally making a bunch of captures would be something like this:
  1. Set up capture.
  2. Make capture 1.
  3. Fill in data for capture 1. E.g "Gain 5, Treble 6, Mid 6, Bass 4, Presence 4, M. Vol 4"
  4. Change amp settings.
  5. Make capture 2.
  6. Fill in data by altering what you filled in for capture 1. E.g "Gain 6, Treble 5.5, Mid 5, Bass 4, Presence 5, M. Vol 4"
  7. Change amp settings.
  8. Make capture 3...
There's always a cost for development. Usually one of the more pricy parts!

IK has run into a similar problem the QC has, namely the data for figuring out what each model does is not that great. I tried looking through the ToneX sqlite database to see if there is anything more available than what the app shows and there really isn't. I think it would have been great for not only users but also creators to be able to add e.g different controls their gear has and how they are set. If the modeling improves in the future, they could refer to these to update their captures.

The second problem is getting users to input any meaningful data. Even with a freeform description box a lot of that stuff ends up not having relevant info about the capture. Considering you don't need to type in stuff rotating knobs letter by letter or tapping on a touchscreen, but can just use a keyboard, there is clearly no way around users messing things up unless forced to write down everything.

I don't know how well the Tonex capture process handles multiple captures and filling in their data, but if IK want it to work great then they should definitely consider how to set that up so it's fast to do because paid captures are going to compete with quality and part of that quality is having that data filled in.

When I made captures of my amps for the QC, I had to use my phone to type in all the descriptions in the Neural app using copy/paste and changing stuff for each capture. That was definitely a chore compared to having a good template you can fill in, or having the system remember the last stuff you typed in so you can alter it a bit for each capture. Ideally making a bunch of captures would be something like this:
  1. Set up capture.
  2. Make capture 1.
  3. Fill in data for capture 1. E.g "Gain 5, Treble 6, Mid 6, Bass 4, Presence 4, M. Vol 4"
  4. Change amp settings.
  5. Make capture 2.
  6. Fill in data by altering what you filled in for capture 1. E.g "Gain 6, Treble 5.5, Mid 5, Bass 4, Presence 5, M. Vol 4"
  7. Change amp settings.
  8. Make capture 3...
All fair points, but I’m strictly talking about factory content on the ToneX pedal itself here, not user content (which is prone to be even more chaotic.)

As for editing QC names and tags, couldn’t you have done that more easily after the fact, using the cloud website?
I think the big thing is that people were constantly harping on Kemper (or someone dear satan please) releasing a "pedal sized" profile player. It's here now and that's pretty damn cool.
100% , I have seen many threads saying just get us a profile player for $1000 , people were willing to pay a high price
Now they can do that for 399
If not just the technology , the price itself is a game changer IMO
100% , I have seen many threads saying just get us a profile player for $1000 , people were willing to pay a high price
Now they can do that for 399
If not just the technology , the price itself is a game changer IMO
$27.16 discounted for every part removed!
Are there moles to be whacked yet?
I see the possibility for a friendly competition
We will hide a tone king imperial capture somewhere in the QC directory and the ToneX
First user to find it and load it
I see the possibility for a friendly competition
We will hide a tone king imperial capture somewhere in the QC directory and the ToneX
First user to find it and load it
As of 2.0, QC is a sure winner.
When it comes to the larger market outside of TGF I think this thing will bite into the Iridium/UA sales more than anyone else.

I have a friend who is a perfect example. He has a huge pedalboard (that included an M5 and other complex’s pedals) and was very attached to his specific Mesa Boogie amp. After months of begging him, he relented. When he tried out all the options, he fell in love with one specific setting in the Iridium. He stuck it on the end of his pedalboard and that’s the end of the story. If the ToneX was out back then he would have probably bought it with the assurance that he could capture his amp, but then probably he’d just be happy with one of the captures already in there and never bother to do anything else.