Tonex Pedal....It's REAL

I mean it's sometimes unavoidable but I think figuring out ways to get to any parameters fast is a problem on most modelers.

They could for instance add a function so that in edit mode pressing one of the switches would instantly take you to whatever things now hidden in the ALT layer(s). Switch 1 = comp/gate, switch 2 = reverb, switch 3 = cab. Or whatever. Press the switch again and you're back to the normal controls.
I really feel like this pedal is supposed to be slapped on a pedalboard with other pedals to supplement what might be missing

It's kind of blowing my mind actually, some of the responses across the internet. It doesn't do this or that... it doesn't let me work in this way...

When units like the Quad Cortex don't even do all of the things that it was advertised as having when it came onto the market. Beggars belief.
It's kind of blowing my mind actually, some of the responses across the internet. It doesn't do this or that... it doesn't let me work in this way...

Yep. I get the feeling that some of these commentors aren't used to running that sort of pedalboard signal chain maybe?

Especially the "why no FX loop?" comments.

For a while I was running a Kingsley Squire, and later a TubeSteader Lightkeeper as the main voice of my pedalboard "amp" with drives & boosts before it and reverb + time based effects after. Don't need an FX loop when you have line level amp + effects and the "FX loop" is wherever you decide to put a patch cable.

I don't see this Tonex pedal as any different.

Confused Power Rangers GIF
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Hmm, at this price point I may grab one just to play with…. Will wait to see how it fares out in the wild, I don’t have time to mess with new gear like this for a few months anyway.

It's kind of blowing my mind actually, some of the responses across the internet. It doesn't do this or that... it doesn't let me work in this way...

At least as far as my complaints go, that'd be missing the point. For example, I can perfectly understand why this pedal has no FX loop, no fully featured FX section and what not. But there seem to be plenty of things that could likely be done better within the given hardware constraints. Just watching the videos available so far is demonstrating this quite properly - anything but the basic tonestack editing seems to be quite awkward.
anything but the basic tonestack editing seems to be quite awkward.
ToneX captures don't have tons of editing. Pretty much all you have is a basic tonestack.

This pedal works almost exactly the same as a Strymon Timeline, and people have been using those for over a decade at this point. Time to accept that you're the issue, not the pedal.
Well, there's the cab section, the compressor section, the gate section, the reverb section and the section to finetune your EQ.
Which is all easy to edit.

There's no way around it - you've got specific needs that most of the gear world doesn't care about. Start your own company!
Which is all easy to edit.

Well, you have to deal with the ALT function.

There's no way around it - you've got specific needs that most of the gear world doesn't care about.

Not really.
Plenty of people actually seem to agree with me.
And well, in case this was "just another pedal" - great. But why not make it the size of an Amplifirebox then? Would instantly buy it.
ToneX captures don't have tons of editing. Pretty much all you have is a basic tonestack.

This pedal works almost exactly the same as a Strymon Timeline, and people have been using those for over a decade at this point. Time to accept that you're the issue, not the pedal.
I don't think a 12 year old pedal should be regarded as a yardstick here, even if it's still popular. I think there's enough buried features in the pedal that it could have been done in a more user friendly manner even within the limitations of the simple display.

As a pedal it's a somewhat weird combination of what's in there and what's not.

You can have:
  • ML models of stomps, amps or cabs or combination of those.
  • Either IK's VIR cabs with movable mics, your own IRs or no cab.
  • Pre/post Compressor.
  • Pre/post EQ. Not a tonestack that behaves like the real amp controls.
  • Reverb.
You can't have:
  • Mono out with and without cab sim. This exists on the X-Drive so I hope IK adds it in an update. Or let's you repurpose the headphones out as w/ cab sims and stereo out without.
  • Have both a selectable stomp model and a selectable amp model. The pair needs to be baked together which makes things a bit weird especially in the editor that almost looks like you could swap e.g a comp for a stomp. I think a "1 selectable stomp and 1 selectable amp" would have made this a very powerful pedal but I guess it doesn't have the horsepower for it.
  • Pre and post comp. Not that most people need something like this. There's always other boxes for this.
  • Pre and post EQ. Having both could have its uses but it's fine that it's one or the other.
  • Headphones out with post-amp/cab fx. This is where an fx loop would have been handy even if it's not needed otherwise.
Fx loop won't matter to those used to running into say a Deluxe Reverb with everything up front, but those using high gain amps with the headphone out might have found it useful. Now you need to pretty much buy a separate headphone amp or audio interface to hook into, which at least for me makes the headphones out a lot less useful unless you use the ToneX like a pedal platform. It's the same compromise as Strymon Iridium or UAFX.
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I don't think a 12 year old pedal should be regarded as a yardstick here, even if it's still popular.
Why not? Those 4 knob Boss pedals have been around a lot longer, and are still one of the major yardsticks we have for usability. No rotary encoders there either!

I just find the whole line of argumentation - it doesn't do the specific thing I want, therefore they designed it wrong - to be thoroughly fatuous.