Tonex Pedal....It's REAL

Jonah Ray Franks 2Ktv GIF by Burger Records

Weird Al GIF
This scene is gold:
You may be on the wrong forum. ;)

Seriously, though, I'm in the same boat. The QC is still going to be my primary, and I'm not sure how often I'll use a secondary. It's main purpose/impact will probably be saving me from disconnecting and moving things around as often as I do. But at this price, with a couple of VSTs thrown in for good measure, I couldn't resist.


IF I reversed course and grabbed this, my satisfaction would be wholly dependent on organized third-party pack greatness.
FedEx Tracking Number is ACTIVE!

Shoot captures on my workstation, upload to pedal, pedal into AXE III, gonna be :chef

The fact that this comes with Tonex Max and Amplitube 5 is awesome. Considering that a Squire Classic Vibe Tele, an iRig and Amplitube 3 + Metal is what started me down this whole guitar mess way back when, it’s pretty cool.

Nice work IK. Congrats.

The ol’ Kemper gonna be gathering some serious dust.
Cool that it comes with A5
But I am guessing you cannot load the Amplitube models at the moment like the Cali Tweed or Triple Crown correct ?
IF I reversed course and grabbed this, my satisfaction would be wholly dependent on organized third-party pack greatness.
I will say this there are some pretty good ones out in day 1
Paul Studio rates Matchless , Bad Cat
Tone junkies AC30
There one guy Demetri de or something his 5153 stealth blue is stellar
And even some of the stock sounds I thought were very good in demo
Cool that it comes with A5
But I am guessing you cannot load the Amplitube models at the moment like the Cali Tweed or Triple Crown correct ?
Into the pedal, no.

Couple of decent reviews of Tonex+A5 and the Pedal. I had never seen this guy before, pretty down to earth.

%100 right :) .... and even better .... use the Tonex Amp and IR loader or the Captured Cab that comes with the Amp or the VIR Cab Block in the Tonex ...... then you can use the 8 x Stomp blocks for whatever you want, and you can move the Stomp-Send-Return-EFX-Loop anywhere along the grid, so you can have whatever of the up to 7 [remaining] effects before the Amp and/or whatever of the up to 7 [remaining] effects after the Amp.

Just be sure to level match the Stomp EFX Loop Send / Return Levels to the Tonex Pedals Input / Output levels to optimize your gain staging, and avoid any signal or digital clipping or signal or digital distortion. Enjoy :)

If the plan is just to use as effects I wonder if it makes more sense to just to get a HX Fx lol
If the plan is just to use as effects I wonder if it makes more sense to just to get a HX Fx lol

^^^ Yep. This is also my preferred way to go. More Blocks and 8 FSW's with Scribble Scripts etc.... I personally think - along with an Exp Pedal - this is the Tonex Pedal + Line 6 HXFX + Expression Pedal is the optimal / ultimate setup for a Capture / Profiling playback setup.

But the HX Stomp will do great too :)

All the best,